Chapter 3

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  • Dedicated to i believe in you Alex, you'll be my favorite and only brother forever

When the boy finally stopped crying, he said his name was Maxwell, or Max. He said that him and his father were sleeping when it happened and then he woke up covered like this, all blood and dirt. We tried to search for his father under the ruins but all we could find was dirt, rocks, and more dirt.

        When Jess finally found me she didn't even raise her voice. Usually, she'd yell at the top of her lungs for me running away like that, I think she's just to sad to even speak. I am sad too, but really there is nothing you can do. You can't just cry so much that the tears of your eyes will bring back my parents, there is nothing at least i can do to help. For awhile, we all just sat there, on a house, that was no longer much of a house. My neighbor, who had survived, found us and sat with us for awhile, and before you knew it, almost half the town was sitting next to me. Jenna, my friend's mom, told me that her husband said that the dragon was in the center of town, sleeping. People apparently tried to kill it with knives and pitch forks, but it's skin was to tough. The dark unicorns, however, were not sleeping. They flew across the sky, tormenting anything in their path, doing the dragon's dirty work for him. I decided to take a short walk, just to think about how i would survive like this, I actually think everyone else has the same idea in their mind too. Maxwell followed me, I think he trusts me because I saved him, and Jess stood close behind. Soon i heard a soft whisper like the wind talking to me, and a spiral of air started coming up over me, not fast like a tornado, but steady and calm. Then i saw a light, like a star in the sky even though it was noon. Then it spoke to me with the voice of a mermaid singing in the deep, " Wizard of the Wind" it said in an eerie voice, "Wizard of the Wind will make all this go away Lauren, every thing back to normal." Then the strange creature pointed to the west. That must be where the wizard is. I thought i was crazy at first, but to many things that are crazy have happened today, and turned out to be real. I started to think What if this wizard can help me? I decided to take the journey and as the spirit said " everything will be back to normal, everything will be alright. 

Author: Please leave comments and suggestions! I'll really appreciate it!

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