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The excitement going through me right now is unrecognisable. I haven't been this excited for something in awhile. Tonight is the night that I go on a date with Luke, well I think it's a date. I don't know if anything will come out of it but just being able to talk to him will be amazing.

I have been smiling a lot more lately and I'm not sure what the reason is. Life seems a little easier but I know that will change on Monday but for today I'm going to enjoy being able to just smile.

"Come in" the voice on the other side says

"Your coffee. Where would you like me to put it?"

"Just beside me, thanks"


I figured that I should ask about what will be happening on Monday. It's now or Monday and I don't think my mind could process it on Monday.

"Can you tell me what we will be doing on Monday and when exactly I need to be lying to your mother" Taking a seat in front of his desk

He takes a sip of his coffee before answering

"We can talk about this before you leave at the end of the day" He says putting all his attention back on to the work in front of him.

"I can't. I need to go straight home when I finish"

"And why is that? As far as I see it work should be the thing you think about first. Which means staying behide when I say." His voices comes out bitter.

"I have plans to attend and as far as I see it shouldn't. Can you just tell me what I have to do"

I don't really see the point in me doing it anymore. The reasons that I had when I first said yes are beginning to not matter. It's when he's like this I don't feel like helping him in anyway possible.

"My parents will be here at 10 am I will be going to the airport to pick them up. You will wait at the front door for them to arrive say hello and talk like you did when you know... We will both then go out for lunch with them. And they may end up inviting us to dinner at a conference they have to attend so bring clothes with you. Fancy. That is all. I will phone you over the weekend if there are any changes"


"Stop moving your head! The next time you do you'll be sorry" Ellas shouts right in my ear.

Her being pregnant has made her a lil crazy. Before I knew I thought she was just in a mood because of something Mark had said, he does get annoying sometimes.

"Jesus! I would like to keep my ear for tonight if that's okay." Moving away from her a little.

"I'm sorry. You have to leave in 20 minutes and I haven't finished your hair and you still need to get dressed"

I think I should just be quiet so she can concentrate or she will get more moody and ill just have to laugh.

"There! we are finally done" it has took us 45 minutes to do my hair, I have a lot of hair.

Ella leaves the room so I can get into my dress.

I just about zipped it up. I walk over to the mirror in the corner and I am stunned. I look amazing, I look like a different lady. Why can't I look like this when I do my make - up. It's totally not fair. I put the heels on that I have completely fell in love with.

"You can come in now"

"Yay!... Wow Peyton. I done good"

"You did really good. The dress sits okay doesn't it? Luke has good taste for a boy" I say turning around so she can see the whole dress.

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