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It's been a week since I last saw, spoke and tried very hard not to think of Calum. A very long week. I phoned in sick for the first two days and then used my holidays that I haven't used which I never do. Not even when you know...

This is the first time that I have took a week off when I really shouldn't have. But it was so nice and I had time to myself, to think. I shouldn't have showed that what Calum done effected me, that's one thing I hate to show. I hate showing my emotions to people. I just like to act like nothing happened when really all I wanna do is cry.

I told Chelsea, Lauren and Ella what all happened and the so lovely people they are they wanted to find his ass and beat it till it was black and blue. But as much as I wanted them to do it in that moment I'm glad I stopped them because even though I hate him he is still my boss and my mind still hasn't changed about not letting him ruin something for me.

I'm getting ready to go to work and I would be lieing if I said I didn't cry and have a break down last night. Thanks to Chelsea and Lauren they said "don't look, don't talk and don't let him talk to you about any thing other than work stuff. And don't forget that we are only a phone call away and we won't be to long getting there and god help him if we do" which made me laugh but made me feel better.

I got my list for what I have to do this week yesterday and I get out at 1 PM everyday which is something I have never experienced. Something I have never heard Calum even mention before since I started working there. I believe the words he said is that he doesn't believe in half days or something like that.

Something else that made the last week get easier at the end is that Luke asked me to be his girlfriend. It helped me to stop thinking about the life I had with Calum and start thinking about the life I'll have with Luke.

Okay you can do this Peyton, just put your head down when you walk past him, okay.

The elavator doors open just before I get there looks like my day isn't going to be so bad. Even happy music is playing through the speakers in the wall. I just really hope no one's touched or took anything from my desk. My desk is my baby.

"Hi Peyton!" Ashton says joining me, I didn't even notice the doors open

"Hi Ashton. What do you think of your job so far?" I ask to pass time and because I do feel bad for not asking him sooner.

"It's been good, I'm enjoying it more than I thought But don't tell the boss that. Speaking of the boss he hasn't been in since last Monday. Do you know where he was?"

He was off, weird.

"No, I was off sick last week. He much of had some family stuff going on."

The doors open just as I finish my sentence lucky at the floor I needed.

"If you need anything you know where to find me? See you later Ashton" I give Ashton a wave and a smile and fall happily into my chair.

Then the happiness is took away because there is a stack of papers on my desk that I know is for me to go through. I am never taking a week of again, unless I really really need too.

I got through the paper quicker than I thought, mostly because I have done them before or I just knew what to do. But I still need to do two files and I don't have a clue on what to do. I have never saw these before. I look around to see if I could ask anyone and there's no one to be seen.

Looking over it one more time I decide that I'll have to ask Calum or I'll not get it done and I have to get my work done. Even if I really don't want to see or talk to him. I lift both files and walk to his door. Breathing in and out before knocking.

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