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After thinking to the point my brain was going to explode I finally made up my mind on what my answer would be.

I thought about if I said no it would hurt him but then he would be mad and when he's mad he's arrogant and arrogant men annoy me. Then I thought about if I said yes then he would be a little more nicer to me which would be lovely. Yes was the one I thought about the most because I wasn't really doing it for him I was doing it for me. When we were together, really together I learned so many new things, I meet so many different people and I liked the  idea of getting the chance to do that one more time.

So now I am running late to work as I slept in after only getting two hours of sleep. I don't even know if I look presentable or if  my make up it sitting nicely but I'm praying to god that it is.

My answer is yes but I'm going to play a little game. I'm going to pretend that my answer is no just to see the way he reacts and then tell him I'm joking because its funny. Sitting at my desk and having nothing to do is anything  but fun so I need to do something to make my day at the office a little different.

As I just get through the doors I look at my watch and lucky for me I have 4 minutes to get to my desk and pretend that I have been here for ages.

Just as I get off the elevator my mind is on nothing but getting to my desk that I didn't even realise that someone was walking towards me fast, too fast. That's why I end up on the floor on my bum. I'm sure my face is like a tomato a very red tomato.

"Have you decided?" Mr Hood asked without even helping me up, oh wait he is not a gentleman so why would he do that.

"Thank you so much for your help" I say rolling my eyes and making my way down the hall to my desk.

I hear Calum's breathing change which means his becoming inpatient which makes me happy.

"I don't have the time for your sarcasm right now Peyton, just answer my question"

Taking a seat and crossing my legs, making sure to take my time before answering

"Yes I have decided" Looking into his eyes

"Then what is it?" him repeating my actions and looking into my eyes.

"You have to ask nicely and if you don't I won't give you my answer" I say rising my right eyebrow.

He clenches his jaw and moves more closer to my desk leaning forward and putting is hands on the edge.

"Peyton, please can you tell me what you decided, Will you be pretending to be my girlfriend when seeing my mother on Monday?" He says so very nicely which I didn't expect him to do.

"I have decided to go with....No" as soon as the words left my mouth his face turned pale and he clenched his jaw even more than he usually does.

He looks me in the eyes as though he can see inside of me. I look back and guilt feels my body and I don't know why I would feel guilty for saying it to him but the sadness in his eyes is making me feel as though I should.

He starts to move back and turns to walk to his overly big door.

"Wait!" I jump up from my chair before he moves anymore.

He slowly turns around and gives me the biggest glare that I have ever gotten. I got shivers up my back and I feel as though I'm going to fall.

"I was only joking. My answer is yes but know I'm not doing it for you. I just want to see your family again" I say it as clearly as I can.

He did have a little smile on his face when he turned round and went into his office. Seeing Mr Hood smile is an achievement.


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