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Which one, which one. As I run my finger across my bookshelve. I thought about the different people, stories and personalities. I love how when you read that first page you feel as though your part of it already in a way. It makes you forget about reality and that's what I want to do.

I finally come to one of my favourites, one that I can relate to.

Just as I put my coffee on the table the door goes. It's 3pm on a Saturday. Have I forgotten something or should i be somewhere . Probably should be somewhere but anyway.

I look though the hole in the door. No one's  there.

I slowly open the door, and look down to see a box. A very fancy box may I add.

To/ My Love xo

This can't be for me. I look outside around the hall outside my apartment just to make sure this isn't a joke and paint doesnt end up hitting me in the face when I open the box. It could happen.

Many things are going through my mind, who?, what? and most importantly why?

Open it

Don't open it

Open it

Don't open it

Ugh, I'm opening it.

Wait at least sit first.

Wow! Was all I can't think of. The most beautiful dress I have ever saw was right in front of my eyes. It was black, backless, knee length with the right amount of sparkle around the waist. This is beautiful.

There's a note at the bottom of the box,

To/ My Love,

This is only the start. Xox


I spent the rest of my weekend thinking and re - thinking about that box. I even didn't sleep the night I got it, which is weird for me.

This is rea--

"Meeting at 10.30 have the files by your side, have a copy for each of the men" Mr.Hood ordered differently

"Yes, sir"

"Should-d I have them on your desk by 10.15 or keep them with me" seriously why am I nervous. Its the stare that's all, the stare.

"My desk" and that's him away. That's unusual, usually he would find anything possible to push my buttons.

I got straight on to the job I was giving. Time had went on so fast I didn't realise that I had the files in order and each copy printed and waiting on my desk. Just as Mr. Hood came out of his office.

"Miss Smith?" A man around my age said. To quietly.

"Yes, I'm she"

"Here is your parcel"

"Parcel?" My voice came out more awkwardly than I expected

"Yes. You are Miss P Smith right?" His face showing that he really hoped I was.

"Yes. Sorry"

He handed me the way to big parcel and me being me thinking I could hold it and  nearly falling. My second one in 3 days is this weird or is this weird. I feel special.

"Who's it from?" Mr. Hood said as I put the parcel on my desk.

"I really don't know. This is the second one that I have received since saturday" wait why did I just tell him that?

"Oh...Come on. You can open it when we get back from the meeting with C.S.A. We can't be late, you know how Mr Parker gets"

I seriously don't know how he can talk to someone without looking them in the eyes or even looking at them in general. He looks at me when talking like once every two days.



Lifeless is how I feel every time I watch out of that room from every meeting we have with the C.S.A. I don't know if it's Mr Parkers way of talking without showing emotion or how he sweats like there's no tomorrow.

The lifeless feeling went out the window when I remembered about the parcel I received before hand. I particularly ran to my desk.

The smile on my face is a little to big and it's really hurting my face but if what is in this is something as beautiful as the dress I got on Saturday the smile can hurt me all it wants.

I sliced the sellotape with the first thing I saw which was thankfully scissors. Slowly Peyton slowly.

"Peyton?" I think my heart just skipped about 5 beats.

"Mmhhm" my brain wouldn't let me speck

"We have files and deals to go over today and they may go on longer than usually. We need them to be done for tomorrow. To get to the point, I'm going to order dinner. D-do you want-t me to order you anything. It's from your favourite place?"

"Yeah, please" making a face at the end. He's acting different. We have talked more today than we have in a month.

The smile is back again, when I sit in front of the parcel.

I move away from it when I open the two sides because if I'm being honest if there's anything scary in there it will not get me straight away.

My eyes widen that must I'm with shock I'm surprised there not in the box with everything else. After starring at it longer than I really should have. Literally I think I stared at it for 15 minutes.

One small word


Author's note:

Just a short one

I'm so sorry if this is bad, so sorry.

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