
16 2 1


Calum has not talked to me for a week now and I still can't think of a reason why. He sent me emails to say what I should do instead of phoning me. He even put notes on my desk, notes. I like the silence I get when I'm at work and how he isn't talking to me but I would like it better if I knew what I had done. I'm going to ask him before I go crazy.

I knock the door but dont wait for an answer.

"Mr Hood?" I say shutting the door and standing in front of it

The pages in front of him seem to be more interesting than listening to me.

"Mr Hood?" I say louder

He finally looks up but does not utter a word. You have got to be kidding me.

I walk over taking a seat at the side of his desk. The one thing that annoys him. I cross my legs, and go over what I have to say slowly may I add.

"So... what have I done to make you not talk to me? because as far as I'm concerned I have done nothing wrong and you are just being childish"

He moves his eyes down my legs and back up to my face. Blush becomes visible on his tan skin. Wait blush.


"Why was Luke here on Wednesday?" He says standing up, fixing his tie and walking to the window. Something he does a lot

Wednesday was so wonderful. Luke and I went apartment searching for Luke. The apartments that we saw were so beautiful and different in there own unique way. There was one that I fell in love with and I know Luke did too. The view was outstanding and it came furnished. May I add that Luke look even better than the apartment.

"He came here to pick me up because he drove me to work that morning and we had somewhere to go that night. why do you want to know?"

Only in the last two months has he started going back to the way he used to be. Asking who I was with and why. He always knew where I was going even if i didnt say a word to him and who would be joining me, but why should he care now?

"I would like to know who is coming into my building when I have not asked them too" He says pouring some liquor into a cup

"You have never told me that I should inform you when I have someone here. Won't happen again then, Sorry."

"Mable would like to have you over for dinner sometime this week, she said she has something to tell you" He says pouring more liquor which is never a good thing. But dropping the subject is.

"Something to tell me?" He gives me a look showing that he is annoyed and clearly thinking well duh I just said that.

"Never mind. Sunday maybe? Sir I don't think you should drink anymore it's still early" I say going over and taking the liquor from this hands

"Peyton?" He says calmly


"Would you like to have lunch with me?" He looks me in the eyes but I don't know how to answer. My month won't move

I think I'm going to have to go and take his temperature, he has to be sick doesn't he? Lunch why is he asking me to lunch oh no what if I'm getting fired I know he doesn't like me but I need this job.

"Peyton?" Calum waves his hand in front of my face. How did he get so close.

"Umm.... yes. When?"

If he is willing to ask me to lunch he is willing to answer some questions. Like why did he ask me in the first place.

"Now." He says trying to sound demanding
"Okay? Just let me get my bag and then we can leave" I say walking out feeling as though there was no air in his room.

He doesn't give me even a minute before he is by my side. We walk in silence to his car. I was about to ask if I should go in my car but had no time as he opened the door for me. Who is he? Sending a smile his way I move more to the door when he gets in. Being in a small place with Calum Hood is never good, if you like him or not. He turns the music on, one of my favourite bands album starts to play on the speakers. The Fray.

"I never knew you liked The Fray" I say turning slightly to see his face

"I never did until recently"

"Really, who got you into listening to them?" One of the new girls

"You. That's all you listened too. And that's when I started to feel a liking towards them" He says not looking my way

Me really? At least something good came out of our relationship. Probably the only good thing. The rest of the car ride is spent in silence, awkward but nice silence. The place we go to is near the outside of town. Somewhere I haven't been before.

"Have you been here before? Is it nice?" I ask walking to Calum. He is walking to fast in front

"Yes twice. I think you'll like it"

"How do you think I will?" I probably will it's food we are talking about here. Food is my life it makes me happy

He doesn't reply and he also just walks on in to a table. He planned this way before he asked me, I bet it was for one of the women that I see nearly everyday going into his office.

"So you planned this, who was this lunch really suppose to be for?" I say leaning onto the table

"Do you really want to know?"

"Yes, why do you think I asked?"


"Me and you."

"Really, why?"

"I have been thinking about us lately and how you never told me the real reason why you ended our relationship. And why you seem to hate me so so much" Calum says in a voice he uses alot to try and get you to tell him what he asked or wants

"I don't want to talk about this right now. If I had known that this is why you asked me for lunch I wouldn't have said yes, I thought you wanted to talk about us as in the pretend relationship. I thought it was going to be harder than it is"

I add the last bit to try and change the subject I really hope it helped. Why I ended things is something I don't want to talk about right now or at a restaurant. It's complicated and I won't be able to say it with out breaking down. In life eventually people's true colours show and Calum's did. He was or still is someone I never thought he would be. He broke my trust and my heart and I only had to see one thing for him to do that.

"What do you mean it's not as hard as you thought it would be?"

Yes it worked, thank you god thank you.

"I thought it was going to be li - like before. I thought I would have to go to dinners and have to dress up when I didn't want to. I thought you were going to actually talk to me like I wasn't a child."

Just in time the waitress comes over and takes our orders stopping Calum from replying. I regret telling him how I feel but I sort of had too.

"Peyton I'm sorry I made you feel that way. It's just hard for me to be around you sometimes."

"How so?"

He blushes and quickly changes the subject.

"So let's talk about the business deal with Mr Andrews?" He says taking out his phone and showing me an email Mr Andrews sent him.

Author's note:
Lil short one

I don't even know.
I don't know why I wrote this chapter well I sort of do but it isn't the best. The next couple of chapters will be good and there is gonna be drama drama drama.


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