13: Plans

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I'm sitting in the back with Wren and Ben. Viktor's 18, so he's the only one of us that can drive. Unlike what I thought, Viktor can actually drive really well.

He drops off Ben and Maddie first at a McDonald's. Then Wren at her house. Once we're going to my apartment, I tell him my plan. "Viktor, can I trust you?"

"Of course! You're the only new kid I've liked. I don't know if you know this, but Wren's the toughest out of all of us. She doesn't even call us friends." Oh yeah, Wren never said that Maddie, Ben or Viktor were her friends. Or even people she hanged out with.  "Good for you that she let you in."

"Ok, so I want to ask her out."

Viktor pulls over to the shoulder. "What? You will get dumped on the spot."

"I don't think so.  We're close. I already saw her cry."

"Cry! Even I've never seen her cry! Maybe you won't get dumped. Where'll you be going?"

I speak quietly even though Wren isn't around. "The ice rink. Do you have time to stay around?"

"Anything for the new kid who got past Wren's tough outside. I'll get you there."

Viktor takes a lot of care into driving properly and not getting into trouble. He hands me something wrapped in yellow when we reach the rink. I unwrap the thing and it's those egg sandwiches McDonald's has. "On the house, Jae. With an E."

We both go inside and explore the entire place. I have my own skates, so all I'll have to pay for is a pair of skates and a helmet for Wren. Only $1.50 each. Later after we finish scouting the place, Viktor drives me back to my apartment. "Hope I'll see you around!"

"Bye." I reply. It's set. I'll ask out Wren after school on Friday. No school, and if she isn't ready yet, I can try on the weekend.

[1:03 PM]

zoe plz
im sorry
plz just say something
im so so so so so sorry
just pick up
come on

This is pointless. Zoe won't respond. Alex won't answer either. Not even Wren.


"Dad, I'm asking Wren out," I say after dinner.

"Wow, a date? You sure?"

Something feels weird about calling it a date. I never thought I'd get this far with Wren in 2 weeks. Seems so fast. "Oh yes." I've never been so sure in my life."

"Your call. What about Zoe?"

Oh right, Zoe. Zoe and her broken heart. Broken by me. And I'll have to face her tomorrow. "Probably still upset. I'll try to talk to her tomorrow."

Dad looks at me seriously. "This friendship you have with her is one of the most valuable things you have. You have to fix it."

"Ok ok, I will." Secretly I'm not so sure.

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