Part 21

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I got up and called for Harry to come back in.
He entered and sat down on the end of Niall's bed by his feet.
"So, you comin' to the rehearsal tomorrow?" He said, clapping his hand on Niall's leg.
"You can count on it," Niall replied, giving me a small glance, but Harry didn't seem to notice.
"Alright," Harry said.
"Need a ride back to my place to get your car?" I asked.
"If its no trouble to you," Harry said. God, he's so polite.
"None at all," I said, trying to be polite too, and Harry picked up and grinned.
"I'll be back," I said to Niall as we left, and he nodded.
We both left and went outside to my dirty truck and hopped in. We drove in just about silence, but I turned on the staticky radio about half way there.
We arrived at my house and Harry hopped out.
"Thanks, love. See ya," he said, shutting the door rather lightly and got into his, like Niall's, not-so-fancy sports car.
He drove away after I pulled out of the driveway, and I made my way back to Niall's. I put in my Four CD. That'd be awkward to listen to while Harry was in the car, so I had to wait.
But at least I was alone and could sing Girl Almighty as loud as I could.
"HER LIGHT IS AS LOUD AS AS MANY AMBULANCES AS IT TAKES JUST TO SAVE A SAVIOR OHHHH WOAH WOAH WOAH," I sang, getting weird looks from the people in the other lanes when there was a red light.
Jeez, they looked at me like they've never seen a teenage girl sing her heart out before. They wish they could sing like me. Haters.
I pulled up beside Niall's house and walked in, knowing he wouldn't really care if I just barged. I opened it quietly, however, planning to surprise him. I walked upstairs and almost knocked on his closed door, until I heard him talking to someone and, upon further listening, that someone was himself.
"I just.... I don't know why it's so awkward between us all the time.... I really, really do love her, but sometimes I feel like she only loves me as 'Niall from One Direction', not as 'Niall Horan from Mullingar'. It's quite strange, I always knew her, we have been in the same classes for nearly six years. However, I never really put much thought into her.... I was always doing my own thing, and her, her own. It's strange how much people can undermine and take for granted things they never knew. I wish.... We could make it work well, and I see us going somewhere, but how can I say that to her? That'd be creepy. But I really, truly hope we stay together... I really like her."
He stopped talking, and I went back to the front door and opened and closed it so he doesn't know I was there and heard what he had said.
I knocked on his door, and he yelled, "GET THE FUCK AWAY, LITTLE GIRL."
Our friendship. Oh, the love.
I yelled back, "OH, I SEE," but came in anyway.
He had a silly little grin on his face. Oh my, Niall, Niall, Niall.
He's all mine.

We decided to go to Starbucks about ten minutes after that, so we left right after he took a shower. To be honest, he probably hadn't had one in a few days.
After he got dressed, we left and, to my great relief, decided to take his car, not my truck.
We got there pretty quick, as Niall lives really close to Starbucks.
We went in and the strong scent of coffee filled my lungs. I love that smell so much.
We ordered, and, as we never went to Starbucks together, discovered we got the same thing; Grande Caramel Frappucino. He payed for mine.
What a great friend he is, buying me Starbucks. Only the best of friends buy it for each other. That shit is expensive.
Kimmie hasn't even ever bought it for me. And I haven't bought it for her. That's kind of the Starbucks rule, fend for yourself.
We sat down and talked for a little bit, catching up on everything we missed. since it was during the time we both sat in our rooms alone, I asked him what color the dress is.
"One, two, three," I said, and we simultaneously said "Black and blue."
We talked about everything we could think of, things we read, saw on TV.
As we started to run out of our drinks, our minds ran out of ideas of things to say.
We kind of silently stared at each other for a while, sipping the last bits of our drinks. We both finished at the same time and simultaneously stood up and threw away our empty cups, simultaneously walked out, simultaneously reached for the other's hand, simultaneously saw the Paps crouching beside the building, and simultaneously hustled to the car and hurriedly drove away.

Wow, guys... I don't think this story is really that good :/ I'm running out of ideas.. you guys seem to agree, never commenting or anything. I think I may stop writing so much in it. You guys seem to not like it, and I don't really know where I'm going with it.
Oh well. I'll decide what I'm doing and tell you guys.
You never give me feedback, so I never know if my story sucks ass.
Well... That's what I have to say I guess.

It's not you,  it's me--//DISCONTINUED//Where stories live. Discover now