Lancaster Square Mall

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I pulled away slowly.
I don't know what happened, or why.
It just did.
I could see that his eyes were turning back to white from the pinkish state they were in. I stood up and headed towards the door. He got up and followed me downstairs to the front door.
"I'll text you later," I said, walking out to my car.
I had been there maybe 20 minutes. As I drove home, I wondered why I had done that, why he didn't stop me, and why I didn't stop myself. I really have no idea what happened. Just like I don't understand everything else that's been happening in my life lately....
I got home at 3:00 and decided to just have a lazy day. I feel insane, like I should be in some asylum under high security, wearing a straight jacket in a room with squishy walls all by myself.
I just watched tv, ate some potato chips, and thought. A thought came to my mind, a thought that came from me thinking about how lazy and boring my days are. I need to get a job.
I told myself I'll go to the mall tomorrow and look for a job that has "help wanted" signs. It's simple enough, I guess.
I've had a job before, in 10th grade at Kroger's bagging groceries.
A middle-aged woman got mad at me for bagging her soup cans and her cereal boxes together, which is not part of our rules at Kroger, saying that I'm going to grind up her corn flakes with the weight of the cans. She was making a really big scene, yelling and cussing, and I may or may not have called her a selfish ungrateful bitch and ran out of the store, blah, blah, blah.
I checked the time, yawning as I grabbed my phone.
It was already 8:00. I had been laying in bed for 5 hours. It doesn't exactly surprise me, honestly. But it felt like it had been 2 hours, maybe 3. I guess I just zoned out.
I watched tv for a little longer, and went to sleep at about 9:00.

When I woke up, I decided to go out to the mall I always shop at, Lancaster Square Mall.
I walked around, looking at each shop, until I saw a "HELP WANTED" sign on an Apple store.
I walked in, kind of awkwardly because there wasn't very many people inside, and they all looked at me.
I walked up to the counter and asked the only worker in the room about an application.
"Hey, my name's Jen, I saw the Help Wanted sign and was wondering if I could speak to someone who I could talk to about applying," I said, trying to be quiet in the already-quiet room.
The woman at the counter, maybe 40 or so, was chomping on her gum very annoyingly and wore way too much make-up.
"You're talkin' to her," she said in a Jersey accent, chomping even more loudly after saying this.
"Oh, well, hi. I was just wanting an application-"
"Yeah, yeah, I know. I heard you. Come into the back room, you can fill it out in here."
She led me into the back room, which looked like an interrogation room you'd see on a police investigation show. She gestured toward a chair pushed into a table that looked like a school desk and dropped a Pepsi on the table.
"Alright, come back and give it to me when you're done," she said, shutting the door as she left.
It took about 10 minutes to fill out the application. It was pretty short. It just had questions like date of birth and past jobs.
After I filled it all out, I gave it to the lady, who I now saw was named "Sandra" off her name tag.
She chomped her gum yet even more obnoxiously as she skimmed through it.
"You got the job."
"Don't you need to interview me, or-"
"You got the job. I don't need much else, your grades are good and you're old enough. You got the job."
"Oh, well thanks. When do you need me to-"
"Wednesday at 3:30. Don't be late."
"Ok... Thanks for the job."
She looked at me like I was crazy, with an eyebrow raised, and I realized how idiotic that sounded. I walked to my truck and drove home.
I almost texted Niall, but what would he say? I'm kind of confused on what I should do.
I decide to just think about it later. I come in and sit in the living room and watch tv until I get bored.
The suspense is killing me. I'm going to text Niall.
I text:
"Hey.. Im bored. Can u come over???"
He didn't text back immediately, but it didn't take that long.
"Sure. Now good?"
"Yeah," I text, and butterflies fill my stomach, but I'm not sure why, until I remember we kissed again, and I don't even know if it'll happen again when he comes over.
But I continue watching tv until I hear a knock on the door in his usual 6-knock pattern he does.
And I don't know why, but the butterflies decided to tickle my stomach to the point where I was almost laughing, it tickled so much.
I told myself it'll be ok when I see him, he probably forgot about it and I'll act like I did.
But when I opened the door, the butterflies told me I couldn't do it and decided to bite my stomach really hard.

A/N)) Bad butterflies!! I didn't know butterflies bite. So you likin the story? idk I haven't left an a/n in a while... lol
Hope you enjoy!!

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