Chapter 24 - Walk Of Shame

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Chapter 24 - Walk Of Shame


The Following Morning

I felt the heat of the sun peak through the curtains that I could have sworn were closed last night. I rolled over as a yawned, disappointingly feeling a cold other side of the hotel bed. Forcing my eyes to pry open, I winced as they stung a little from the rush of light. I blinked a few more times to clear my vision and look around only to see what I already guessed. Grace wasn't in bed. In her place was a piece of paper with some scribbles on it. 

Morning sleepy head. Sorry I couldn't stay to say goodbye, and that this note probably doesn't make up for it. Here's my number though, keep in touch :)



I sighed, chucking the little note towards the night stand and quickly glancing at the clock situated in the far left corner. Only ten o'clock. Giving myself a final stretch before rushing out of the bed, I quickly gathered my belongings and hurried out. I unfortunately had a busy day ahead of myself as well. 

Walking out of the hotel, I quickly got in a taxi to rush home. I couldn't possibly show up at the studio in the same clothes as last night, the boys would give me hell for it. As I slid in the back of the cab, I sat there clutching the note that Grace had left for me. Smoothing it out I skimmed it over once more. "Keep in touch."  Never thought those three words would ever make me so happy. Just the mere thought of her sitting there writing this to me is driving me wild. Of course, this could mean anything. For all I know it could mean she just wants to be friends and talk every once in a while. But that doesn't matter, what matters is that she's willing and wants to talk to me. The burden that's been hanging over me like a rain cloud is finally gone. I'm not even quite sure how she forgave me so quickly, but I gotta admit I did like the way she showed it. I brought my finger tips up to my lips, feeling them curve upward into a smile as I remembered the touch of her soft ones against mine.

The car came to an abrupt stop, pulling me from my day dream. I folded the note nicely and put it in my pocket. Reaching for my wallet, I quickly paid and made my way up into my flat. 

Later That Day

The Studio

"Harry!" I heard a happy-go-lucky voice call my name. "My man, how was last night?" Niall exclaimed as he patted my arm. I rolled my eyes as a smile crept up on my face remembering last night. I should have known these boys were up to no good from the very start. Although, I guess it didn't end so badly for me. To be honest, I just keep replaying it in my head over and over. I just can't believe Grace and I have arrived at such a good place. And the kiss, man it was everything I was expecting and more. 



"Niall asked how last night went," Zayn said giving me a questioning look. I looked around at the four boys, they were clearly eager to hear how things between Grace and I worked out. Maybe I could have fun with this one. 


"Fine?" Louis pursued. 

"Mmmhm," I coolly said, shrugging and walking past them into the studio. The looks on their faces were pure gold, these boys could be so nosey sometimes. Plus I'd barely been able to wrap my head around last night as it is. Its like a scene from a movie that keeps replaying in my head because it's so surreal. My heart is racing just thinking about being with her again, laying beside her just cuddling. The smell of her hair, or the way she shakes with she laughs. I missed being able to be that close to her, being able to make Grace laugh or blush. But it was like a complete tease because I only got to relive it for a few hours, and now she's gone again. By tonight she'll be on her way back to America. 

"Oh c'mon Styles, there's gotta be more than that," Niall chuckled, following behind me as we all took a seat in the plush sofas positioned towards the back wall. 

"I don't kiss and tell," I said crossing my arms without noticing that I basically just told them what happened. I mentally rolled my eyes at myself, my fun didn't last very long. 

"A kiss!" Zayn yelled, clapping his hands together. 

"Alright, my man!" Liam said celebrating. I laughed at their cheers. 

"Yeah, well sorta," I said shyly. It felt so weird to talk about this with the boys. It's not like we're not accustomed to talking about hook ups or anything, and this was barely a hook up. It was one kiss, yet I was nervous. 

"Sorta? You can't sorta kiss. You either do, or you don't," Louis said sending a smirk my way. Oh Louis, can always count on you to be a smart ass. 

"Alright, we kissed," I admitted, bringing a hand up to my face.

"Atta boy!"

Ahem. "I believe there is something you are forgetting about," Louis trailed off, wiggling his eyebrows. The boys all went into a fit of snickers as devious smiles all plastered on their faces. I stayed silent for a moment, feeling out of the loop. 

"You didn't make it home last night," Louis lowered his voice, as if he were almost mocking me. I rolled my eyes, knowing what was on their minds. I could barely get this girl to talk to me, heck she ran away from me so much I didn't even know where she was up until yesterday! I don't think they understand that this means so much more than a cheap hook up, and Grace is certainly not someone who I'm going to rush into much of anything with, at least not yet. 

"Yeah, I stayed with Grace last night, but before you all go blabbering about it- nothing happened," I said shaking my head from laughter. 

You could only imagine that the only topic of conversation we seemed to come back to every so often was me and Grace. I couldn't help but chuckle at the boys teasing remarks about me finally not being a pussy, or something along those words. I shook my head. By the end of the day it really started to sink in, and I just can't stop smiling because of it. She may have left without saying goodbye, heck I may not see her for a while. But she told me to keep in touch, she wants to talk to me. And that's a hell enough of a good first start to me.


Wow, it's been a super long time since I've updated. So sorry that it's literally taken months (and that this chapter might suck lol). I really needed a break from writing, and I'm not sure if I'll get around to updating super often like I used to, but I promise I'll try and finish it and post as consistently as I can. Most of you probably aren't even reading this anymore, which wouldn't surprise me. Leave a comment I guess if it's even worth finishing this up. If you still are reading it well then thanks :) and sorry once again

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2013 ⏰

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