Chapter 13 - Ticket To Ride

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Chapter 13 - Ticke To Ride


The Next Morning

¨Do you want to hurry up?¨ I yelled to the car in front of me, sticking my head out the window and hitting my car door. No one budged, even though it was a green light. I sighed, slumping back in my seat when I noticed no one was going to move, and I was just going to have to wait. It´s ten o´clock right now and I just want to be at the airport already. Grace´s plane leaves at eleven, and if traffic keeps up like this I´m going to miss her. 

¨Calm down, we´re almost there. You´re going to make it,¨ Louis said from the passanger seat, putting an arm on my shoulder. The boys have been consoling me for the past half hour, but I´m so nervous I want to throw up. Apart from there being so much traffic, I´m so afraid of what Grace is going to say to me when I show up. Will she even talk to me? I just need to apologize,  I need to let her know. If she walks away from me, I´m just going to have to live with it. But I know it´s going to crush me. Last night when I heard Louis say her name when he answered the door, I froze. I didn´t know what to do or say, I couldn´t move. I wasn´t expecting her to come back, and when she did I was just... speechless. And then of course, when she came in she was with two guys. One of which is her ex boyfriend, Sebastian. I can´t even think about it without my whole body getting hot with rage. I´m not going to lie, even thinking about her with someone else makes me angry. I could be everything and more, I just need a chance to prove it. To prove that the Harry she overheard the other day isn´t really me. 

¨It´s a green light and no one is moving!¨ I said hitting the steering wheel in a panic. I´m going crazy, I´ve never been this openly emotional in front of the boys, I know they must be surprised. Everyone probably thinks I´m crazy for doing this, but I need to. And right about now I´m getting restless, I don´t know how much longer I can wait to get to the airport. 

¨Just breathe mate, don´t worry. We have time¨ Zayn said from a seat behind me, as he patted my arm trying to reassure me. I sighed, as traffic moved up an inch and then stopped. This has already been such a long dragged out morning, if I don´t get to see Grace before she leaves, I don´t know what I´ll do.

When we finally got to the airport, I rushed out not even thinking about parking the car. I only had one thing in mind, and that was finding Grace before she gets on that plane all the way back to Long Island. Leaving Liam and Niall behind to go find a parking spot, I walked up to an empty check in counter with Zayn and Louis. I saw a middle aged woman, her hair a mix of a dull brown and gray, bags under her eyes and seeing glasses sitting on the middle of her nose. She looked up at me, raising her eyebrow and giving me a bored look. She revealed a metal name tag stuck onto her navy blue uniform that read, ¨Michelle.¨ 

¨Can I help you, sir?¨ This so called, ¨Michelle,¨ said to me in a flat tone. 

¨Yeah, what gate number is flight 023 to New York?¨ I asked tapping my fingers rigorously on the counter. She slightly rolled her eyes at this, as she tapped her fingers on her computer, trying to fish for the information I had just asked her for. I´ve become extremely impatient with all this waiting I´d done today and this woman taking her sweet time wasn´t helping. I stood there as I watched her intently, wishing that every second passing by wasn´t wasted on this. 

¨Well, it was gate 4, but the plane has already boarded and is on the runway ready for lift off,¨ the woman replied to me, barely even looking away from her computer as she relayed this information to me. My heart sank. I was too late. Grace was already on the plane ready to go back home, without even hearing me out. Without knowing how I really feel for her. 

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