Chapter 21 - Funny Seeing You Here

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Chapter 21 - Funny Seeing You Here


The Following Morning

Beep. Beep. Beep.

That goddman alarm clock! I groaned as I flipped to the other side of the bed slamming my hand on the snooze button. The blaring ding suddenly stopped midway through and I collapsed onto my back, the comforter and pillow engulfing me once again. I closed by eyes briefly, enjoying the silence of the room. I felt so calm with the warmth of the sheets around my body and the grey darkness that's starting to be invaded by the morning sun. But as I concentrated more and more on the beauty of the silence, a ringing in my ear became louder and louder. I cleared my throat a little breaking the uncomfortable noise in my ear and I fluttered my eyes open. Glaring at the clock that had awoken me moments ago, the time read six fifty seven. Ugh, I only have an half an hour to get ready if I want to get to the studio on time, I thought. Originally I planned on getting up much earlier but I didn't sleep much last night. I had a lot of thoughts going on in my head. I'm not nervous about recording my song anymore, I'm more unsure of myself. I wouldn't want to disappoint anyone waiting for me back home, and I'd sure hate to waste Simon's time. With these thoughts plus predictions of how my day would go, I ended up falling asleep at around two, only giving me a few hours to rest up. I sighed, realizing I might as well start now since my precious sleep was interrupted, though it was for a good reason so I shouldn't really be complaining. I slowly unwrapped myself from underneath the covers and placed my bear feet on the floor, feeling the rough material of the carpet rub against my feet as I stood up. I dragged myself to the bathroom, flicking on the fluorescent lights that gave the room a bright off white overtone. Looking in the slightly dirty mirror, I stared at my reflection. Bags under my eyes, my hair all over the place, I decided I should probably take a shower because I did not look presentable at all.

Stripping from my clothes I quickly hopped into the shower, feeling the tepid water run down my dry body. I made sure to wash myself off quickly, for I didn't have a lot time. Luckily since it's winter I don't really have to worry about much except for my hair. I finished off, shutting off the barely hot water and stepping out and fishing for a towel that I had stupidly forgotten to lay out before I jumped in the shower. Rushing out of the bathroom I dried myself off and looked over to the spot where my suitcase lay open. I hurriedly dug through it and decided to go simple with dark wash jeans, a tank top, and a cute black cardigan with some floral detailing on the inside. I threw it on and looked at my reflection in the old Hollywood like vanity situated in the room. Something is missing, I thought. I know I'm only going to record a song, but I still want to look cute for some reason. I looked back over to my luggage that was overflowing with clothes since I'd just rummaged through it and spotted a beige scarf that hung out of one of the sides. I picked it up and wrapped it around my neck, satisfied as I looked in the mirror once again. (A/N: Outfit in the sidebar) This will do. I shot a look at the clock once again; seven twenty nine. Dang, time went by so fast. I quickly rushed over to the hairdryer that had been plugged into the wall already and turned it on, feeling the warm air hit my scalp. Turning to face the clock so I could make sure I did not waste too much time, I ran my fingers through my hair as the blow dryer went to work. After a few minutes I decided it would have to do and I'd let the rest of my hair just air dry, I mean I didn't mind the way it looked when it did anyway. I ran over to the other side of the room, hoping Janet would give me at least another five minutes before knocking on my door, I pulled out my makeup bag. Since I was crunched on time, I just put mascara on. Just as I'd went to put my makeup away I heard a knock on the door. 

"Coming!" I yelled, grabbing my phone and notebook off my nightstand and quickly running to the door. God forbid I make Janet angry, she doesn't seem like the type of person that takes being late too well. I opened the door and found her tapping away at her phone as usual, as she finished up she moved her gaze to mine and smiled.

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