Chapter 19 - London Bound

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Chapter 19 - London Bound


Two Weeks Later

I sighed, taking out another piece of paper from my notebook and throwing it towards the waste bin on the other side of the room. I watched as the crunched up ball flew through the air and just barely missed the bin, bouncing off the metal rim and towards the plain white walls of my room. The crackling sound of the paper leaving the bind of the book was the only sound I've been hearing for the past two days. Every time I try to start a song; every time I try to write something, anything, I end up hating it and throwing it away. My flight leaves tomorrow around noon, and I still have nothing to show Simon "what I'm all about." This is incredibly frustrating.

"UGH!" I groaned out loud, pressing my forehead against the cold fresh new page that was ready to be written on. The thing was I just couldn't figure out what I wanted to write about. I have no idea who I am. I don't know what I'm about. Curse Simon for giving me such a vague statement to go by on. I mean really, how am I supposed to write a song that defines who I am? I'm not that simple, I don't think I could ever write a song that just sums up my whole being. I'm one of the most complicated people I know. If I can't even understand myself, how could I possibly write a song to show someone else who I am? I'm just.. Grace Foster, a girl who's life is full of mistakes and regrets, but even through all that I still found a way to bring myself to be the happiest I've ever been. Hmm.. I guess somewhere in there, there's a song I could pull out? I put my hand on my forehead, breathing deeply, trying to figure out a way how to start a song, again, about Grace Foster.

"What makes" I thought out loud, only speaking in a slight whisper so no one could overhear my brainstorming. Even though I doubt Sebastian or the rest of the family are listening in on me, I still feel like writing a song, especially one like this, is extremely private. Writing a song is like pouring a part of yourself out and putting it into words, and should only be seen when complete and when the person thinks its ready. And I'm definitely not ready.

Thinking back on my life, I don't think there is anything extremely unique. I know there are people out there who have families like I do, I know there are people out there who have tons of regrets and who makes mistakes. I mean we are all human, we have every right to be wrong or to mess up every once in a while, right? I don't know anyone who hasn't; whether they choose to acknowledge it or not, though, is a different story. Before I didn't like to admit when I was wrong much, but through the years, especially now more than ever, I've learned how to. I've grown comfortable with being wrong because I'm not perfect. I'm happy with who I am because I know I'm growing, and it sounds cheesy, but I truly believe it'll only get better from here. I've forgiven myself for my mistakes and those who ever hurt me, like my family, so why can't they? Am I not allowed to make mistakes?

I put the pencil in my hand to my lips, as I tapped it slighly against my skin. I suddenly began to feel something, I started to feel sort of angry. Mostly because I've learned how to forgive my parents, but they, or really my dad, can't seem to forgive me. I know I've been wrong, but so has he. I took a deep breath, I think I finally found something to write about. It's not entirely what "I'm about," but it's a big part of who I am, so Simon can take it or leave it. I moved my hand and laid it on the page, beginning to write the song that I've been searching for the past few days. (A/N: song in the sidebar)

I've got a right to be wrong.

My mistakes will make me strong.

I"m stepping out into the great unknown.

I'm feeling wings though I've never flown.

I've got a mind of my own.

I'm flesh and blood to the bone.

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