Chapter 14 - Finding Grace

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Chapter 14 - Finding Grace


In New York

¨Excuse me, uh where´s the exit?¨ Louis asked a security guard near the baggage claim, we were in JFK Airport, and it´s freaking huge. It´s a little overwhelming, and I guess I should be used to airports by now since we do so much traveling, but I don´t think I ever will. I never liked airports, really. I know it sounds silly, but I just don´t like them. I don´t like goodbyes, especially when it means I won´t be seeing someone for a while. When I was younger I´d cry whenever one of my family members would leave. I never like watching as they´d disappear into the crowd up people all bunched together near security to get to their gates. I never told anyone this though, I always felt a little stupid feeling this way. It´s just one of those things I don´t think I´ll ever get over, I guess. 

¨That way,¨ The security guard said pointing to a sign that had a big blue arrow next to the word EXIT. He gave us a bit of a look that said, ¨Can´t you read?¨ but he didn´t say anything else after he pointed the way. We smiled and thanked him, walking away and feeling a bit stupid for not seeing the sign that had been right in front of us. Louis and I laughed at our dumb moment, and made our way outside where a line of yellow taxi´s were all lined up waiting for passangers to load in and take off in all different directions. 

¨Okay, how far away is.. where is it that she lives again? Ocean something?¨ Louis questioned me, looking confused. 

¨Oceanside,¨ I replied shortly, lifting my hand in the air to signal a taxi driver that we indeed, were in need of his services. He nodded in understanding, getting out of his taxi and coming to help us with our bags. 

¨Good evening,¨ the taxi driver said to us both, grabbing my small luggage first and popping the trunk to his car and sliding it in. You could here the accent in his voice telling us that he wasn´t American, but in fact English. He had a hat on, like one of those old immigrants from Italy you see in your history text books, which he took off slightly to wipe off the sweat that had accumulated on his forehead revealing he was pretty much bald. The little hair he did have was all gray and sat on the sides of his head. His skin was a bit on the tan side, and full of wrinkles. He had a short sleeve plaid shirt on, which kind of reminded me of Liam, and it was tucked in to his dark washed jeans, accentuating his beer belly. He resembled any normal older man, but the look in his face seemed a bit off, as if he were trying to be inviting. There was something about him, I couldn´t quite put my finger on it. 

¨So where are you two heading?¨ He asked us, as he slid Louis´ luggage in the trunk next to mine. He shut the trunk and opened the door for us to slide in the back, looking up and smiling at us. 

¨Uh, Oceanside. Is that far from here?¨ I asked, just noticing I wasn´t even sure where I was standing or going. Maybe this wasn´t exactly the brightest idea I´ve ever had, but it was definitely worth it. Grace is worth it. 

¨Hmm, around 30 minutes from here with just a bit of traffic. What part ?¨ He questioned, and again I realized the flaws in my plan; I had no idea where in Oceanside Grace lived. Finding her was going to be tougher than I thought. Fuck. 

¨Uh, we´re kinda hungry. Do you know any good restaurants in Oceanside?¨ Louis quickly lied, trying to cover up how clueless we really were. 

¨Yeah, well if you like Italian I know a really good pizza place there. Pretty cheap and amazing food,¨ Our taxi driver said to us with a crooked smile. He looked back as he went in reverse and then turned back around to start driving, making a u-turn in the parking lot towards the exit. 

¨So, what brings you to New York? Or better yet, Long Island,¨ He said looking in the mirror above him to look back at us momentarily before switching his vision back to the road. I look and Louis, and Louis looks back, giving me the same hesitant look I gave him. 

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