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Hello, my name is Ophelia Phoenix Weasley. I am in my third year, I have impeccable grades, I am the seeker in the Gryffindor team (which my mom is not too fond of because it's not lady-like), I share my love for dragons thanks to my older brother Charlie, I love all of my siblings (yes, even Percy even though he is very... strict) I, unlike my brothers don't think that the house that you are in reflects who you are. so, I'm also best friends with Tom Riddle. Honestly, I am nothing like my brothers (I'm better). I can also do wandless magic even though nobody knows about that.
As I said before I have really good grades and that's because I work really hard, and the professors love me... well at least most of them, Quirrell still doesn't like me, but oh well not like I cared. This year is my little brother Ron first year and he is a bit too excited.

Oh, shoot I forgot. This is what I look like

 This is what I look like

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(Pretty damn hot, right?) and i have brown eyes but i don't know what the fuck happened with this photo

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(Pretty damn hot, right?) and i have brown eyes but i don't know what the fuck happened with this photo.

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