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"," said Elizabeth excited as I told her about Cedric " wait so are YOU'RE telling ME that you finally like someone!?" She asked while getting even closer to me 

" no. I don't like him I just think that he is nice" I said " how is it possible that you've been in this school for 3 years, and you haven't gotten not even one crush" said Elizabeth

 "well..." I muttered as she gasped loudly "YOU HAVE LIKED SOMEONE?" Said Elizabeth almost screaming "yeah. But, a long time ago" I replied "hmm I call bs,"  she said as I stood out of her bed "besides I don't know why I should be looking for someone to love if they are only going to hurt you"

"who said that?" She asked "no one but it was implied after everything that happened" "nothing has happened. You are being dramatic" "I'm not," I said as Eli looked at me, "call one" 

"I beg your pardon?" " say one time where we have proved to you that love is hurtful" " what about last year in summer where-" "AAAAA. We don't talk about it," she said covering her ears "or about Angelina with tippytoes guy" "ok but he was a jerk," she said trying to defend her cause "fine. Then, you and white guy" "or in the first year with-" "OK I GET IT. You win," she said as I smiled and she sat down 

"shouldn't you be getting back to your dorm?" Eli asked " I was actually about to ask you if I could sleep in your dorm" "and be Olivers next target?" She asked as I went to open my mouth. she was not wrong, its just that every first weeks Oliver Wood becomes an actual BEAST. like I don't even think he sleeps at all.

"here you are!" Hudson said as he entered the room "you might as well come in" Eli said in a whisper as she took all her clothes outside of her suitcase. "you were looking for me?" I asked as he nodded "yeah. can you come outside, tho?" he asked as I started to walk "oh no. ladies first" he said as I exit the room and someone tackled me.

" Alex! omg, you look soo fucking good" I said as I realized that it was Alex who had tackled me "ANGELINA!" Eli said as Angelina and her jumped on top of her "wow...I see how it is Elizabeth". "oh shit. I have to go" I said as I looked at the clock on Alex's wrist. 

"Took you long enough," said Tom "yeah next time don't burn our wrist to then be late," said George "agree. next time least tell me that the bracelet is going to burn, it caught me off guard," said Cedric 

"Right!. I knew I forgot to tell you something, anyways I called you lot here to make a plan," I said while I saw a bushy girl taking a book . " so I need all of you to take out a piece of parchment and a quill, and you will make your game plan while I talk to someone," I said before leaving to talk to the girl with bushy hair.

"Hey, Hermione how are you?" "oh hi O I'm good I am just studying for tomorrow. you know to be prepared for anything" "oh, that's cool, and have you got any friends yet?" " well... actually I am trying to focus on school right now," she said with a cheeky smile

 "oh that's great and any guys I need to worry about? what about Ron?" I asked while nudging her arm slightly " oh well I think that Harry and Neville are nice... however, with Ron, he sometimes has half a brain cell" she said which made me laugh 

"yeah... but don't worry it's like that for all the Weasley guys" I said while looking at Fred and George trying to make an airplane paper and failing "anyways I wanted to tell you that during this year... and well the rest I will take care of you guys"

" so basically like a god-mother?" "yes, exactly like that well me and my triplets. so if you ever need anything just call me, no matter what it is okay?" I asked while looking at Hermione " okay O will do" she said " okay Hermione now I should let you study, good luck. oh and start from page 12. professor Flitwick likes to start with wingardium leviosa" I said to her before leaving and going back to the other table.

" Are you guys done?" " well I am," said Fred "so am I," George said "I'm kind of to the end; however I want to know your opinion," Cedric told me while showing me his piece of parchment " yes it ok thank you Cedric" I said as tom rolled his eyes 

"and what about you Thomas ?" "this is pathethic," he said with a numb expression "oh well in that case-" " hey O have a minute?" said a Scottish accent interjecting me "um sure Oli for what? hold on, Oliver wood is in the library?" I asked

" well I just needed to do some research on some plays. i need to talk to her about something, has to do with quidditch. ok, Fred and George?" he said right before taking my hand and dragging me to a corner of the library. "okay!" Fred yelled from afar.

" Ok so O I wanted to tell you tha-" "that we start practicing tomorrow? Oli I really care about you and you are a really great friend but you are a bit too into quidditch" I interjected 

"what? No it's not that" said Oliver while raising an eyebrow "then what is it?" Oh, fuck now what, I just hope it's nothing bad 

"well I have had this feeling towards someone and I just don't know how to tell them," he said nervous "oh, well that's common just tell me who it is and I'll help you," I said while patting him in his shoulder for 'moral support'

"I can't" was all he said, "but can you help me?" Shit, I already have enough on my plate... but I would feel bad if I said no...ugh 

"of course I'll help you Oli" you know what I have to learn how to say no. "Oh thank you O!" Said Oliver while hugging me and spinning me. " it's okay Oli. Really" and with that, I left back to the table where we were having the meeting.

"What took you so long?" Asked Tom in a defensive tone. Really? If it's not my brothers it has to be someone bugging me 

"well that is personal and none of your business" I said while taking a seat next to Fred and Cedric "anyways O we were thinking of a name" said George "a name? A name for what?" I said while looking at George puzzled "well for this group of course" said Fred "oh... well I thought that it was just going to be a group that helped the first years" I said "really? That's boring as chess," said George

 "ok fine. What do you guys have in mind" "we-" "no. Wait if you say some silly ass thing I swear to Merlin I will jinx both of you. till. you. both . have. white. beards" I said while interjecting Fred and George 

"ok... anyways as we were saying the possibilities are" said George while taking the parchment of paper. Really? He was supposed to do a plan not to write names for a group that's only going to be here for a year.

• the muscles
• Soteria
• kratts
• arx
• better students
• hottest group
And those are all" said Fred
"Rictusempra!" I said as they fell int o the ground and started laughing. "aaaHHahahaahAAA Ophelia. stop" "enOOuGGHHahahaHAA" they said as I lowered my wand and they sat back in their seats. "damn. no hesitation" cedric said looking at Tom.

"I specifically asked for no silly suggestions" I said "those weren't the silly ones" said George in the most serious tone that I've ever heard. 

"what? whatever, how did you come up with those names?" "Well, we know that you have this weird obsession with Greek mythology so we made some research and Soteria and Kratos were known as gods of protection" "yeah but Kratos sounded weird-"

"so you decided that kratts was better?" Said Tom raising an eyebrow "well yeah I mean it is cooler" "yeah for a 7-year-old group" I said. I mean I think that it's cool that they learned about Greek mythology and that they used it, but they are really bad aren't they?.

"And what about arx?" Suggested Cedric "I mean- I think that's a good one and it's Latin for protection so it fits" "well yeah I suppose..." I said even though we don't really need a name that one was good, simple and fun. "Ok so our new name is arx," I said and with that, we finished the meeting and got ready for tomorrow.

The Weasley tripletsWhere stories live. Discover now