The sorting ceremony

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"She asked you to do what?" Said Elizabeth looking at me in shock while trying to be silent because of the ceremony " protect some first years, but from different houses" "and how are you going to enter other houses?" Oliver asked joining the conversation "well from what McGonagall said. I am going to have one to two of each house and they'll help me, they would also get one of the communication bracelets and extra credits in Potions, Transfiguration, Herbology, and Charms" I answered "but you don't need the extra credit O I mean you are the best in our year," said Lee confused "I know lily I am just doing it because professor McGonagall asked me". "O who do you think is going to be picked from here?" said Elizabeth "umm well McGonagall left that to me to decide and I have already picked. one clue; they DO need the extra credit," I said looking at Fred and George "us?!" they both asked "yes. both of you" I replied "umm- Ophelia, I don think that's a good idea. you three are danger itself when you are all together" Percy said as we all ignored him.

"and for the other houses?" Oliver asked "well I have no idea but hopefully someone I know or have met," I said but before anyone could say anything else professor Dumbledore talked "We welcome you all again to Hogwarts or what most of you call home. I shall not take time off the sorting or your feast. However, I do want to remind you all to have a good time and even when everything seems hard with perseverance and patience you will get to what you once let the sorting begin!" And with that Dumbledore took a seat and the first years came and that's where I caught sight of Draco, Pansy, Ron, Harry, and another girl with bushy hair. The same girl looking for Trevor the frog. 

"Hey! wasn't that the girl looking for the frog? Umm Trevor, I think" I asked "yeah she is and the same girl that George yelled at because he thought it was you," said Fred "oh shush it," said George while the first years were being called and then that's when I heard a name I knew " Lorenzo Berkshire" and I saw the same little boy with brown wavy hair "SLYTHERIN" the hat yelled. Ha! Called it. I said as he looked at me and smiled before going to his table.

"hey isn't that the girl that George screamed at?" Asked Lee. "Yes, she is, where do you think she will be sorted too?" Asked Elizabeth "Gryffindor," I said confidently "Nah I say she's a Ravenclaw," said George "yeah she's giving nerdy vibes," said Fred "oh well then let's bet. Ten galleons" I said "deal" they both said, but before I could say anything else the hat roars "GRYFFINDOR" "ha told you so," I say while looking at the little girl sitting next to me.

"Hello I'm Ophelia Weasley," I said to the girl while extending my hand for her to shake "Oh. hi, I'm Hermione Granger, a pleasure to meet you," she said "Hermione the pleasure is all mine; oh and this are my brothers, Percy, Fred and George. The 'quidditch captain' Oliver Wood and the quidditch commentator Lee Jordan... oh and my best friend Elizabeth Lupin" I said while pointing at each one of them .

"hello" said Elizabeth with a soft smile.

"Theo Nott" "SLYTHERIN," the hat said. Wow, I should maybe start to bet on this more.

"Draco Malfoy," said McGonagall and even before he could sit on the stool the hat yelled "SLYTHERIN".

"Pansy Parkinson" she sat at the stool and "SLYTHERIN". 

"Harry Potter" and the whole great hall became silent, everyone eager to see who Harry Potter was 

"hey O isn't that the kid that you talked to this morning?" Asked Fred "yeah and the same one that you bumped in Diagon alley" continued George

"yes Freddie and Georgie the same Harry. But he looks nervous don't you think?" "Yes, a lot actually" responded Eli. Harry looked in our direction while the sorting hat decided. I smiled at him to let him know that it was ok and he half-smiled back. 

"Mhm oh yes you could be in Slytherin but you are also brave...I see" the sorting hat stopped; I

 guess that Harry said something "GRYFFINDOR" screamed the hat. And all of our house roared in applause. "Bloody hell! Harry Potter is in our house" I heard Lee scream.

"Mattheo Riddle," said McGonagall making all of us quiet again "SLYTHERIN," said the hat. I swear I saw Tom smile.

"Hello, Harry congrats on making Gryffindor," I said to Harry "thank you O, I don't know what would have happened if I would have gotten Slytherin," he said "Harry our houses do not define us, what defines us is our personality and character," Angelina said, a chaser from the quidditch team.

 "but you still got the best house" I heard Fred say to Harry and Hermione.
"Ron Weasley" "that's our brother!" Yelled George making Ron blush

 "hmm a Weasley I know we're to put you...GRYFFINDOR!" Said the hat "congrats little one" I said while ruffling his hair "Thanks O" Ron replied as he sat next to harry.

"Blaise Zabini," said McGonagall. The hat without thinking yelled "SLYTHERIN" 

And with that, we all proceed to eat. Ron was the most excited of all of us, I mean don't get me wrong I do like food but I feel like Fred, George, and Ron could marry food.

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