The bet

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I feel better well honestly I feel perfect, even madame pomfrey told me that I was alright to play, but I haven't told anyone yet because I want to see if I was right and Harry is as good as I think. Today I have got potions and.... ugh DADA (don't get me wrong I love defence against the dark arts but it's just that I don't like professor Quirell) well anyways wish me luck!.

"Good morning O," said Fred as he rubbed his face and sat down in his bed "good morning Freddie, did you sleep well?" "Yes, did you?" " yeah I did" "good morning," said Lee as he came next to Fred's bed and sat next to him. "good morning lee" I replied "Today is a big day for you guys and well mostly harry," said Lee "yeah, but it still sucks that O can't play," said Fred "you are going right? to the game?" Asked George still half asleep "yes, I will be staying right next to Lee and helping him comment on the game," I said as I looked at Lee and Lee nodded back. "Yes ma'am. And we are going to rock this" said Lee as he fist-bumped me.

"OPHELIA PHEONIX WEASLEY BRING YOUR ARSE HERE RIGHT NOW" well dang I haven't even woken up properly but ok. " good luck with Elizabeth, O." said lee as I walked to the door "thanks but, it's probably just a new idea for a dress". "OMG LIA GUESS WHAT?!" screamed Elizabeth next to a half-awake Sophia "good morning Sophia and good morning Eli" "THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO TIME FOR GOODMORNINGS" "ok sorry. what happened?" I asked by taking a seat next to Sophia " I have a new idea for a dress," she said excitedly. I knew it! "really? a dress. that's why you came into my dorm and woke literally everyone up? how do you even know how to enter to the Ravenclaw tower?" asked Sophia a bit mad.

I guess she's not a morning person "don't worry you will get used to it. besides, this isn't the worst thing she does. once Elizabeth had an idea for a crown and she poured water in me and my brothers to get our attention" I said to Sophia remembering second year and how Elizabeth and I started making jewellery too "and'll do it again if I have too" said Elizabeth "okay but tell us your idea" said Sophia " oh right. ok so as we all know, we're animagus" said Elizabeth while pointing at herself and me "wait you guys are animagus?" asked Sophia.

she probably thinks that we are freaks now. good job Elizabeth she is going to absolutely freak out "yes I am a phoenix and she is a dragon," said Elizabeth calmly "oh wow, that's cool. I'm an animagus too" or not? "really and what are you?" I said " oh well I am a hippogriff " "wow, that's cool" "oh my lord I absolutely love hippogriffs," said Elizabeth now more excited than she was before the whole conversation "ok but getting back to my idea, we should do dresses inspired in our animagus. I mean come on think about it we all have awesome animagus forms. so, Lia can you please do some sketches" "sure. 'll do them in DADA" I said. "and why do I have to be here? I mean I don't mind but, I have zero experience with fashion" asked Sophia. "well maybe you have zero experience but your still our friend" I said while smiling at her and looking at a clock. shit! I'm going to be late "I have to really go but see you girls later," I said while running out of Elizabeth's dorm and entering my dorm to get ready.

"you're...late," said Professor Snape as I entered the door "I know and I uh-" I said as I tried to catch my breath "quiet. I do not want to hear your pathetic excuse...just sit down," said Snape as he turned back to the front of his class "hey Ophelia how are you?" "oh hi Terence, I'm good what about you?" I said in a whisper back to the Slytherin seeker that was sitting right next to me "I'm good but can you actually help me?" he said while smiling slightly embarrassed "of course, what step are you on right now?" "um, the first one? I really don't get it but Snape terrifies me so I'm not going to ask" he said making me laugh a little "well sure I can help you if you want we can make it as a group" I offered him.

"Mr Higgs, quiet." said Snape " um professor can Terence and I make the potion as a group?" I asked while raising my hand "fine. but only you two" he said without a single expression. "how do you do it?" whispered Terence "how do I do what?" "oh come on. clearly, professor Snape doesn't hate you" "because unlike you Higgs, Miss Weasley is not a completely useless student," Snape said interrupting our conversation "and I'm also a better seeker than you," I said in a fastidious tone to him "what a lie and you are not even playing this game," said Terence a bit irritated "well yeah I'm not playing but I for sure can say that we will win" "oh yeah? then lets bet," said Terence while stretching his hand towards me for me to shake "no. first, we give the terms and then we shake" I said "fine. if Slytherin wins this game you will have to get me a date with one of your teammates" what? shit I'm already regretting this " and you will enter advanced potions." said Snape entering the conversation. again honestly at this rhythm, he should just sit with us " advanced?" asked Fred also entering the conversation "I'm sorry did I stutter mister Weasley?" said Snape  "fine. but, if Gryffindor wins; Snape you are going to give all of your Gryffindor students an Outstanding grade for this term, including the other classes and all years" "and Terence if Gryffindor wins you my 'slave' for three months so that means you will do as I say no matter how embarrassing or awkward it might be" I said to him while smiling at him "oh and one more thing we need a set of rules" I said while looking at both of them and also realizing that everyone was eavesdropping the conversation "what are the rules?" asked Terence "ok well first, Snape you can't reserve the quidditch pitch; second, Terence make sure that nobody cheats and if they cheat and we win they will join you, ok?" "oh and Ophelia don't forget to tell them to not jinx our brooms like last year," said Angelina "and to not put itching powder on our uniforms," said George "well you heard us. so those are the terms are you in or not?" I said while reaching both of my hands one towards Snape and one towards Terence " sure but same for the Gryffindors. that means no pranks" said Terence as he shook my hand and looked at my brothers "and you Snape? are you in or too scared?" I asked defying him "may the best house win Miss Weasley," said Snape as he shook my hand "oh don't worry. we will" I said.

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