the Slytherin

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"Hey. you're Ophelia, right?"  a Slytherin guy asked as I nodded "you are the prefect right?" "Yeah. I was thinking that Tom riddle or Terence Higgs" he said as a girl came in with prefect badge "tom riddle will be better. Terence has his mind in only quidditch. besides, Tom is smarter" she said as I looked at her and she shook my hand "nice to meet you. I'm Amelia Greer"

"well hello Amelia. I'm Ophelia" I said as I let go of her hand and looked at both of them "so, Tom riddle?" I asked as they nodded "he left some minutes ago. and he disappears sometimes so I would look for him now if I were you" the prefect said as the other nodded "alright. thank you " I said as I left.

Gosh...Tom Marvolo Riddle where in the bloody hell are you? I've looked everywhere from the library to the Slytherin common room. And that's when I caught a glance at the guy I was looking for.


"Hey Thomas," I said trying to catch him "what do you want?" He said "ok. so, I need your help wi-" "No." he said cutting me off 

"hey! I'm supposedly your best friend, you should at least listen to me" "fine. What?" He said in an irritated voice, "okay so, long story short I need to take care of some kids and some of them are Slytherins and so Dumbledore asked your prefects to say a name and they said you. so I need you to help me take care of the kids"

 "umm let me think...No.!" Said Tom "oh come on, if you don't do it I'll have to talk to someone else maybe Adrian Pucey or Terence Higgs I mean I heard that he has a liking for me oh or maybe even-" "fine. but what is in it for me?" Yes. 2/3 that's good 

"well first you get to spend time with me. second, you get extra credit in charms, potions, transfiguration, and herbology." I said answering his question. "And what kids are we talking about?" Said Tom as he was leaning on the wall and I took the letter out "uhm- Draco, Pansy, Blaise, and Mattheo" I replied while reading the letter.

"In just one condition," said Tom. Well dang, I talked too soon. "You will meet me At 8:00 pm outside in two days. and you need to stop talking that much" he said while getting ready to leave "you know those are technically two right?" I asked as he death glared at me and started to walk. 

"Hey, thomas! I almost forgot. Here take this and put it on, so that in that case that something happens to one of the kids for you to call me immediately or vice-versa". "Umm no. That's ugly as fuck" said tom looking at the bracelet in disgust.  Patience....patience O it's ok 

"you know what fine" I took the bracelet put it into my left hand and said "dachtylídi" and with that, the bracelet became a ring. He took it put it on and said "didn't know you could do wand-less magic" "well I am trying to keep it a secret. Which by the way I would gladly appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone" "hmm... I should get going" and with that, he left "um bye?" I said to the almost vanishing back of him. Dang does he walk fast.


Ok well, that's good...I think. Well either way he's going to help me. Next stop hufflepuff prefects

(by the way, the ring tom used looks like this)

(by the way, the ring tom used looks like this)

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'The one with the black gem'
(Or )

'The one with the black gem'(Or )

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'The one with the black square'

-you guys can decide, even though they're quite similar

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