Dumbledore's office

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"Hey O weren't they supposed to give you a list of the kids by now? I mean the sorting is done" asked Eli "well I don't know maybe they're waiting till the feast is over" I said as a school owl dropped a note in front of us "never mind" i said as Eli looked to the sky "what does it say?" Hudson, a Quidditch player asked as I read the note "umm- he wants me to go to his office...to talk about the kids." I said while I kept on reading "huh. so they are really doing this" Percy said. 

"you know brother. Last time it was green. what if this time we try rainbow. or maybe a new haircut?" I asked as his, and Georges and Freds eyes widen. "no. nononono... don't even..uh, I actually have to go. mhm I-i have PREFECT, prefect duties" he said as he left the table and we all saw him leave "I love the way your thinking" Fred said "but no more hats. maybe, CHOCOLATES! everybody loves chocolate" George said "we could botch some and give it to some 7th years" Lee said as we all smiled "so its a plan" I said as I turned to look at Eli.

"uhm- NO" she said before I could say anything "oh come on. pretty please" Fred said asGeorge turned to look at the quidditch players "nuh uh. sorry mate, can't help you" Oliver said almost immediately. "and you guys?" Fred asked three first years "to do what?" umm- oh, dean asked "to give some chocolate frogs to some seventh years" George said "for good luck. obviously" I said as they all agreed. 

This is going to be our best year yet.

Shoot what was the password? Umm a candy.... ok I know! I think
"Chocolate frogs" I announced but nothing happened "umm what is dumbledores favourite candy..." I whispered to myself "OH! Got it" "Sherbet lemon". I said as I entered Dumbledore's office.

"Hello Phoenix" "Hi dumbledore," I said, I am not a real fan of Dumbledore. He just really favours Gryffindors just because he was a Gryffindor and dislikes Slytherins because of a problem he had with a Slytherin back in the day. "You wanted me? Is it for the list?" I asked a bit impatient. I mean if we want to do the botched chocolates, we should start as soon as we can.

"Oh Phoenix, yes here you have the list... do you have the list of the people who are going to help you?" He asked "umm no,I thought you were going to give me the list of the people" I said as he just looked at me and said "well then, ill inform the prefcts from other houses to choose one or two of each house" he said as he gave me a letter with all the names. "oh. actually can I pick the gryffindors? my brothers and I will make a good job together and they need the extra credit" I asked as he slightly nodded.

Gryffindors :
• Harry Potter
• Hermione Granger
• Ronald Weasley
• Neville Longbottom
• Mattheo Riddle
• Pansy Parkinson
• Blaise Zabini
• Daniel Scamander

"Wait dumbledore why aren't they any Ravenclaws? " I said looking at dumbledore "Miss Weasley sometimes things don't make sense... But by the time they will" the actual fuck he just said. 

"Uh okay dumbledore bye." and with that, I went to my dorm. 

"Wait our brother is there?" Asked George with his mouth half-open "yeah who would have known that he would be special" said Fred making me slap the back of his neck. "Stop it!" I said as I finished unpacking. Yes, I sleep in the same room as my triplets and Lee, but I don't mind. 

"Oh and guys here you have one bracelet each so that whenever I need you or vice versa we can call each other," I said handing them a bracelet each

"Oh and guys here you have one bracelet each so that whenever I need you or vice versa we can call each other," I said handing them a bracelet each

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