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"Good afternoon O," said the quidditch captain " you mean morning? Oli it's literally 6 am" " well it is late for quidditch practice, so go with the others," said Oliver and with that, I went to meet with the rest of our team " good morning..." I heard Angelina say while yawning "morning" answered George. if I'm honest I think that one of my triplets has a little crush on Angelina... mhm it's too early to plan something about it so maybe later... but my thoughts were interrupted by Oliver " okay and with that, we should be able to practice the new technique" frick I didn't pay attention what new technique?. ugh I really hate morning practice... eh it's not like he's going to change the seeker play that we've been improving for almost 2 years. " O I'm not joking come on!" said Oliver and with that, I rushed to my position and we started the game.

"good morning and welcome to another Gryffindor friendly match," said Lee to absolutely no one in the stands. Lee is probably as intense with quidditch as Oliver, or perhaps even more. okay, Ophelia concentrate.

"Oliver restrains another quaffle from entering the hoops. Angelina Johnson just passes the quaffle to Hudson Hurlow and he passes it back as they are approaching the three hoops, OH but the other team got controlled of the quaffle and are approaching the Gryffindor hoop.  will Oliver be capable of blocking them from scoring?.. HE DID, OLIVER WOOD BLOCKED THE QUAFFLE FROM ENTERING THE HOOPS at this rhythm Gryffindor will be the champions of this year's quidditch cup" and as Lee was finishing I noticed a golden speck in the air "and it seems that the seeker of the Gryffindor team has spotted the snitch, if she catches it, it will be the end of the game. Oh but wait the seeker of the other team is also going after the snitch; who will it be?" said Lee as I and the other seeker were going after the snitch.

" they are heads to heads, NO Ophelia has the advantage. wait! the seeker has caught up to Ophelia. this is an intense match everyone!" said Lee excited as I flew up to catch the snitch.


"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED" "HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW?" "is she going to be fine?" "well I thought that she knew the procedure" "JUST THOUGHT IS NOT ENOUGH OLIVER" I heard some arguing which I guess were Ron, Fred, George, Oliver, and Elizabeth.

"Miss Weasley you need to drink this," said Madame Pomfrey as she handed me an ugly-looking drink. I admire Madame Pomfrey she has to be one of my favorites from the staff. "eww it tastes like smelly socks with mold" " well I don't care, if you want to feel better and fix that broken leg" BROKEN LEG? since when " uhm...what happened?" I asked to the group that surrounded me " it was Oliver's fault" Fred said simply "yeah- I bet his plan was to kill us all. And he just happened to start with you" George continued while looking at a sulking Oliver "I'm sorry O..." he said as he stood next to me. "oh. Wait, so I can't play anymore?" I said while she gave me a surprised look and sighed "no.". Well damn...

"O! you are alive," said Lee making Elizabeth smack him in the back of his head as they entered the hospital wing " LEE! O, how are you feeling?" said Elizabeth while taking a seat right next to me " I'm fine but, hey Oli what will we do?" I said while looking at Oliver " i don't really know..." he said while sulking again. "Really phoenix? that's what is more important for you?! to see who's the next victim of Oliver and this stupid little game" said a voice which I know that it belonged to Percy " ok, your right. what happened? How did I fall?" "Well you were catching the snitch and two bludgers went in your direction. Fortunately, I blocked one however Fred here was not fast enough to save you from the other one" said George while giving Fred a nasty glare "it was definitely a jinxed bludger." said Lee "why?" I said while sitting down on the bed "Nononono" was all Madame Pomfrey said "you need to rest O" said Elizabeth "can we stay? Just for a while" said Ron while pointing at Harry and Hermione too "n-" "of course you can little one" I said interjecting Fred. "bye everyone see you all later" I said while waving them.

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