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"Oh hello, my favorite trio" I heard Mr. Bilmes say "hello Mr. Bilmes," we said in unison "oh- please call me Bilton I mean after all you guys are my favorite customers of all times... tell me what do you guys have planned now?" He asked "well we were planning on doing something to our beloved brother Percy" I answered with a wicked smile "yeah and we were wondering if you have something that could help us?" Asked George "well I do in fact- however, I am intrigued to know what he did to activate the triplet trouble ?" "Well he is just being the annoying ass that he always is," said Fred. "Hmmm I see well I have this hat that changes his hair color to his least favorite color; we also have puking pastilles" "we'll take them," we said, "Which one?" Asked Mr. Bilton "both of them" I answered back.
This is going to be great. Said Fred
Oh hell yeah, but I still don't know why we need both... O? Asked George
Well my beloved brothers I will be baking tonight and I'll smash some puking pastilles and pour them into one of the mixtures, so he can have all of the puking cupcakes while we have regular cupcakes, and the hat is a rebound for him to learn a lesson. I said while smiling and looking at them
"What time is it?" I asked a lady "It's uh- 4:30" "shit! Moms going to be mad" said George and Fred "yes she is- uhm thank you" "what are we going to do" asked George "I have an idea but you guys need to swear to me you won't tell anyone, ok?" "Yes, we solemnly swear," they said together. I took their hands on top of mine and said telex. In what felt like 5 seconds we had already arrived at three broomsticks. My brothers looked at me in shock and before they could even ask or say anything I said " I'll explain everything".

The Weasley tripletsWhere stories live. Discover now