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"you guys ready?" I said to the four little Slytherins dressed as care bears "well we don't have a choice do we?" said Draco "no you don't" said tom. he was definitely the one who looked forward to this day the most. "fine we are ready" said Mattheo while giving tom a death glare "ok there's just one thing missing" I said as I put all of their hoods up so that they have their ears on "really nix?" asked pansy "well you can't go without your ears!" I said while smiling " ok well see you guys in a few minutes "bye guys. ill stay here to make sure that they don't leave" said Theo "oh you must be enjoying this" said Blaise in a sarcastic tone.

-"Today we have a special occasion," said Dumbledore at the almost end of his speech "today four students are going to play some songs for us. So, please let's give a round of applauses to Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Mattheo Riddle and Blaise Zabini." Said Dumbledore right before taking a seat

" hi, umm yeah hope you guys enjoy," said Pansy a bit nervous "oh and don't do bets or anything like that with Phoenix," said Blaise "are you ready?" I said to Tom "of course. I paid 7 kids to take pictures from different angles and I also have these" he said as he handed me a camera and kept one for himself. " great oh but where is Cedric?" I said as I scanned the great hall looking for the tall brunette guy with grey eyes "he is backstage so that he can take pictures of them from that angle too"  "the bloody hell you really want to embarrass these kids" I said but before he could say anything Fred and George came from behind us and sat behind and next to me (Fred behind and George next to me) "want a camera?" asked tom to Fred "you don't have to ask twice" he said as tom got two more out of his bag. he really did come prepared "thanks Tommy boy" said George while tom looked at me with a 'the bloody hell just happened?'.

 he really did come prepared "thanks Tommy boy" said George while tom looked at me with a 'the bloody hell just happened?'

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(The songs; there only 4)

"they are really good" I heard a girl who I guess was Cho say to another Ravenclaw first year. hey, that's the same Ravenclaw that complimented my dress.

"Hey Tom let us see the pictures you took," said Cedric as he showed us the pictures that he took "here," he said as he passed the camera to us. I'm happy that Dumbledore choosed them, they all have become really close with each other. "I hate to admit it riddle but these are not bad," said George while looking at the pictures "what about you Weasley?" "me?" Fred, George and I asked in unison " I'm talking about George " said tom as he took the camera back "well my pictures aren't really good " he said as he hid the camera.

Fred. he's acting suspiciously I said while communicating telepathically only with Fred

I know; want to see what he has in the camera? said Fred uhm hell yeah. you take the right and I take the left I said before moving to the left of George

"ha. caught it" I said as I took the camera "you little piece of-" said George as he jumped to get the camera but was stopped by Cedric and tom while Fred came next to me and we watched the pictures.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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