Platform 9 3/4

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"Hey O" I heard someone whisper "O please wake up I can't find scabbers" of course it had to be Ron. For merlin's sake he has this thing with waking me up early "yes Ron, I'll help you" I whispered back "come one O hurry" and with that, I was being pulled by Ron.

"Ok, so where did you leave it? Don't you have like a tracker or something?" I asked "no," he said and that's when it hit me. Shit, what if he ate a puking cupcake...Oh no! "well let's start in the kitchen then," I said trying to sound as normal as possible, is it possible that the rat ate a puking cupcake? Nah I don't think so. "Oh look there it is," Ron said while pointing to a bag of candies as I sighed in relief "see Ron, nothing to worry about. Now if you don't mind I am still sleepy so see ya later" and with that, I ruffled his hair and went upstairs.

As I was walking to my dorm I heard my mom said: "morning Ophelia why are you up early?" "Oh morning mom, Ron woke me up because he needed help finding Scabbers" "can you please wake up your brothers?" She asked, "in any way?" I asked my mom with a smirk on my face " yes Ophelia you can wake them with a prank, but I'll be there in 20 minutes so hurry up". Haha oh, my poor brothers, they don't know what's about to happen

With a hand on my chest, I whispered "mutatio" and I transformed into my mom, I entered the room and started yelling "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU BOTH ARE DOING" as I was yelling I could see the panic in their faces. Don't laugh Ophelia don't laugh "YOU ARE GOING TO BE LATE ITS ALREADY TIME TO GO AND YOU HAVEN'T EVEN GOTTEN OUT OF BED. EVEN YOUR SISTER ALREADY WOKE UP, YOU BOTH HAVE 5 MINUTES OR I SWEAR TO MERLIN THAT I WILL LEAVE YOU GUYS," I said mimicking my mom. Dang, I'm good "I'm sorry mom please don't leave us," said Fred getting out of the bed "yeah mom I will even make the dishes to make it up to you," said George "and I will sweep the floor," said Fred. And as I was going to answer i heard my mom coming as I transformed back to myself " oh well if that isn't nice, very well I'll wait for you both downstairs with all of the dishes and the broom. Oh, and thank you O for waking them up" my mom left with a smile on her face. "Not cool sis. Not cool at all" said George as he tanned and Fred death flared me "you gave us the scare of our lives" said Fred. I just laughed at them and said "see you guys downstairs" and with that, I left.

"Mom, why were you screaming earlier?" Asked Ginny to mom "oh Honey well that was Ophelia because I asked her to wake up Fred and George" answered mom "and I got them good" I said smiling "yeah....very good" said Fred in an annoyed tone " well if you would have woken up before, this wouldn't have happened" I said. "We'll eat and then get everything ready...well everyone except Fred and George right?" Mom said winking at me. Gotta love some mom-daughter bonding
"Come on now we are going to be late" I yelled. I mean I don't blame us we are a family of 10 (including Charlie and Bill who came for Ron's first day) "coming" said Ginny "gosh woman be patient" yelled George "I'm here and ready to go" said Charlie as I went to hug him.

"Hey! Why don't you hug us? We are your triplets" asked Fred as he was going down the stairs "first because Charlie is never here and second you know that the whole 'we are triplets' excuse won't work forever right?" I said before going to them and ruffling their hair.

"Everyone ready?" Said dad while Bill counted heads "yes we are all here" said Bill reassuring dad.
'BLOODY HELL I FORGOT SCABBERS!!' Ron yelled as we all looked at each other and dad sighed 'well then. I better get going back'.

"Oh come on Ginny it's not that bad," I said trying to calm her. She's been crying ever since we left. "You know we will even bring you something" " yeah like a toilet seat," said Fred as I tried not to laugh and hugged Ginny.

"Uh um hello- could you um tell me where is platform 9 3/4 please," said a shy voice that I knew so I turned around and saw the boy from Diagon alley "Hello Harry," I said with a smile "oh- hello Ophelia," said Harry with a shy smile "you can call me O," I said "oh honey it's ok to be shy, it's Ron's first year too, and everything will be ok," said my mom "and the only thing you have to do is pass across that wall between platform 9 and 10" poor Harry only gulped and looked at me scared" look why don't you Fred go ahead," said mom "but he's not Fred I am," said George "honestly woman and you call yourself our mother," said Fred. These idiots will be the end of our mother "just kidding I am Fred" said Fred and before mom could say anything he went through the platform and after him, George went. "Good luck Ron and, Harry," I said to them\ before I left.
"Oi Weasleys," said Lee, one of our best mates and prank buddy "hello mate," said Fred "hi lily," I said with an innocent smile "when are you going to stop calling me lily?" Lee asked "Whenever we are about to die and I have wings," I said while hugging him. I always liked lee, he is like a brother to me.

"Hey" I heard a Scottish accent said behind us "hello olive," I said with the same smile I used with Lee "woman I love you but whoever becomes your lover...I'll be sorry for him," lee said emphasizing the word lover "yeah.... I don't think so right Georgie," said Fred "yeah I mean Freddie and I won't let her date anyone till she's like what? 45?" Said George "well the jokes on you guys because as the other years I still don't like anyone," I said "I still can't believe that you haven't liked anyone...I mean at least interested in someone right?" Asked Oliver "nope" was all I said. and it was true...partially, I liked tom riddle in the first year. "now let's go before we miss the train, and mom yells at us again," I said "hmm I wonder what would happen if we DID miss the train," asked George "well if that happened I would use the flying car" joked Fred "really? The flying car? Out of everything, that is quite stupid I mean who would do that?" I said as we all entered inside.

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