Diagon alley

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"Wake up! Wake up" I hear Ron yell "for Merlin's sake, SHUT UP!" Said Fred "yeah man, it's like 5 am" continued George, but Ron didn't seem to care as he kept on yelling "oh come on! O tell them to wake up!!!" He said to me "Ron, please just 5 more minutes it's not like everyone else is already ready" "yes they are" said Ron "WHAT?!" We all said in unison "yes, in fact, if you guys don't get ready in less than 20 minutes we are leaving you guys behind" said Ron before leaving the room. And as soon as he left we all jumped out of bed and got ready as fast as we could.
"Took you guys long enough," said Percy "Percy- don't" was all I said winning a death glare from him. "Anyways where is dad?" "Oh Ophelia, he left like half an hour ago," said mom. I love mom but dad is my favourite and I am his, mainly because we share the same love for muggle objects.
"Ok, so everyone ready?" Said mom "yes," we all said "in that case let's go" and with that, we all went to Diagon Alley.
"Ophelia, Fred, and George you guys better behave," said mom pointing at us "ouch," said Fred while putting his hand on his chest "but why would you say that to us if we behave the best out of all of us," said George "oh come on, no time to joke around," said mom " Um- mom why don't we separate, so it's faster and easier. I'll go with Fred and George and you can take Ron.... and Percy I think he can handle himself" I said " I don't think that's a good idea" said Percy. "Oh yeah and why not?" Said George "I think it's brilliant," said Fred while putting his arm around my neck. "Because you guys are the definition of trouble, or do you guys want me to remind you what happened at Halloween last year?" Said Percy.

For Merlin's sake, I swear that sometimes I don't know if he really Is our brother
Yeah sometimes it's like he is an agent of the ministry said, Fred
We should teach this 'agent' a lesson. George said making me smile and Fred smirk.

"Oh, no-what are you guys up to now?" Asked Ron " who- uh-huh? Why would you think that we are planning something?" I said pretending to be offended "oh come on- even I know about the triplet communication that you guys have," said Ginny.
Shit, what now? Said, George
"Run" was all I heard before Fred took my hand and started to run. "Go to three broomsticks by 4, ok?" Yelled my mom. "OK." We yelled back
"Ok, so what's the plan?" Said Fred looking at me "Well we should get our stuff first and then plan our little experiment after". "WhyYyy? I mean come on we are by ourselves, why be responsible when we can just go ahead and do the fun stuff" protested Fred "Freddie even though I would love to do that if mom sees us fooling around and not having anything from school, she will be bloody mad. so get your arse up and let's go," I said.

As we were walking I turned around and started to walk backwards "come on O, you might fall" said Fred. But I just kept on walking. And then, I crashed onto someone.

"Oh Lord I'm so sorry," I said while my brothers pretended that I didn't even exist. Mental note: when you embarrass yourself in public your siblings are either going to laugh at you or pretend that you don't exist. "oh it's okay..." said the little boy "I'm Ophelia by the way, Ophelia Weasley," I said as I reached out my hand to help him up "hi Ophelia I am Harry" "Is this your first year Harry?" I asked "yes," said Harry "oh well good luck," I said with a smile before leaving him and going back to Freddie and Georgie.

"Who was that?" both of them asked "Harry a new kid apparently," I said "anyways we have everything now we should go to Zonkos for our little experiment" and before I could say something else I was being pulled by my brothers into the shop.

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