Hogwarts express

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"Hey, Oli your not sitting with us?" I asked Oliver as I saw him entering the wrong compartment "no I am going to sit with Percy and the others, wanna come?" "Yeah...no thank you," I said before walking back "hey O," said Oliver "yes olive?"I said with a teasing smile as I knew how much he didn't like me calling him that "I need to tell you something later" "oh oka-" but before I could finish my sentence the train had already departed and I fell backward on the corridor "ow... oh I'm sorry" I said to this guy,  holy shit he's good looking "oh it's fine, hi I'm Cedric" he said as he stood up and reached his hand to help me "oh well pleased to meet you I'm Ophelia, Ophelia Weasley" I said with my signature smile. "hey in what year are you?" I asked him trying to ignore the fact that I was blushing a little "oh well I- I uh I am in 4th year" he said, "oh that's cool I'm in 3rd, you're in the same year as Oliver, right?" "Who?" Said Cedric "um Oliver wood? The quidditch Gryffindor captain" I said with an 'I don't believe you' face "oh yeah" he said. But I didn't believe him...

Phoenix Weasley where in the bloody hell are you?! Said my brother Fred
Shit and now what... Ummm oh I know
Fred, George I'm just talking to someone I bumped into by accident
Hmm ok but be back soon or I will go for you and pull you back here said George in his older brother's voice. Which is a bit ironic knowing that we are triplets.
Ok I said ending the conversation
"Umm are you ok?" I hear Cedric say. Shit, I must have looked like an idiot looking zoned out "yes I'm fine I was just....thinking" ok he won't believe me. Shoot "umm alright then," he said while not believing One single word " we should enter. don't you think? don't feel like falling again" I said as I tried to change the conversation.

"Hey, Cedric it was great meeting you. But I should go my brothers must be nuts because they don't know where I am" "yeah I understand. nice meeting you as well" he said as I left him there in the compartment with two other people.


"Where is she?" Asked George to everyone in the compartment "I. Don't. Know" said Lee getting a bit annoyed. as George death glared at him. "mate you've asked me that same question like 25 times in less than 10 minutes" said Lee now clearly annoyed. "We know. We know but it's just what if she was kidnapped" said Fred "really? Kidnapped on the Hogwarts express?" Said Lee. "Guys I know that you guys love your sister but she is fine, she's probably lost in a conversation with Oliver" suggested Elizabeth, the brunette with brown eyes. most known by us like the best friend of Ophelia "look Elizabeth, you don't get it" "yes I do, and using the 'she's our triplet' will not work with me I mean she is my best friend and that's why I'm saying it's ok and she's ok otherwise she would have contacted you guys with the telepathy you guys have," said Elizabeth. And as soon as she ended her sentence someone knocked and open the compartment "WHERE WE-" said George but stopped as soon as he saw the first year with bushy brown hair "I uh- I was wondering if you guys have seen a toad".  "yes I saw it, it was on the front maybe it's still there" I said to the girl as I was entering the compartment "ok now this. this is the real Ophelia" said Fred whispering to George as he pointed at me  "yes I got it to thank you, Fred. Now as I was saying" said George while he moves in front of me "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN, WE... OK NO, I WAS WORRIED ABOUT YOU, YOU COULD HAVE TOLD US THAT YOU WERE TAKING LONG" said George and I was going to say something he raised his finger to my face and said "DO NOT SAY ANYTHING PHOENIX WEASLEY" shoot he called me Phoenix this is bad "WELL COME ON SAY SOMETHING DON'T JUST STAND THERE AND LOOK AT ME. EXPLAIN" finished George. "Well, I was talking to Oliver-" "ha! Told you guys" said Lee "and then I bumped into someone, this guy and we star-" "hold on, it was a guy?!" Asked Fred "yes but anyways, we just kept on talking and talking and then I remembered that you guys told me to come quick so I just said bye and came here" I answered "and George don't be mad I know I should have said something. " I said. "I do have to ask you why have you been here for soo long and not even a hi to your best friend," said Elizabeth "ELIZABETH!" I said while hugging her. basically jumping on top of her "Oh guys, by the way, I learned a spell that makes things Invisibles so that we can put the cupcake with the rest  " I said while taking a cupcake (a regular one) and levitating it with my hands "holy sh-" yelled Eli but before she could finish Lee had covered her mouth. engorgio I announced and the cupcake became 4 sizes bigger bombarda I said. Why? I don't know. And before I could understand what just had happened we were all covered in cupcake batter. "I uh don't worry I can fix it," I said "telex." Shit, I said the wrong spell.
"Umm O?" I hear someone with a Scottish accent say "how did you get here?" Asked my.... beloved brother Percy "umm well I was trying to make a spell to clean us up because I accidentally exploded a cupcake, that I made but ended up in here by accident"
Ophelia where are you? George and Fred said in unison
I'm in Percy's compartment, I'll go back as soon as I can I said
Hey why don't you just give him the hat already said, George
Yeah and give them a cupcake said, Fred
As much as I would love to I only brought the hat I said
Well just put the hat on him said, George
Oh you could use that spell that you created that makes it invisible suggested Fred
That's a great idea but got to go I said ending our conversation
Scourgify I heard Percy announce "thanks big bro," I said after I saw that he had helped me clean myself "it's ok just.... don't do anything else," said Percy in his demanding tone...well technically in his usual tone. " but are you ok?" I heard Oliver ask "yes Oli I'm okay but thanks for asking," I said while smiling at him to reassure him. and I greeted the rest of the people in the cabin
"Hey, Percy I think you have something in your robe" "where? does it look bad?" Percy asked me "umm well a little bit let me help you" oh brother such a fool that you are sometimes. I went to reach him and started to 'clean' his robes while I was controlling the invisible hat on top of Percy's hair. "They're much better," I said while sitting back in the seat where I was at "and I think I should go....." I said. 

"OPHELIA PHOENIX WEASLEY WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY HAIR?!" Percy yelled as he saw that it had turned into a bright neon green. That's pretty accurate I thought to myself before screaming TELEX.
"Hey, Ophelia you ok? How did you enter?" Asked Cedric "wha-oh yeah thank you, Cedric," I said. "What we're you doing?" Asked Cedric "oh well- umm complicated to explain but I can show you," I said as I shrugged my shoulders "....sure," he said hesitantly So I grabbed his hand and said Telex.
"Who are you?" Asked this little kid with platinum blonde hair "oh um hi I'm Ophelia and this is Cedric" I said as I pointed at him and he just awkwardly waved. Geez, this whole back and forth teleportation is draining the frick out of me "sorry I was just trying out a spell and we ended up here" "oh it's okay" said another boy with wavy brown hair "by the way I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy " said the blonde guy "I'm Pansy" said a girl with black short hair "I'm Blaise" "and I'm Lorenzo" said a brown mid-long curly hair guy  "I'm Theo" said the guy with wavy brown hair "and you?" Asked Cedric referring to the kid next to the window "oh I'm Mattheo" "as in Mattheo riddle?" I asked, "umm yes how did you know?" He asked while getting closer "Well I'm friends with your brother" I answered Mattheo "Oh.... so your Phoenix," said Mattheo while Cedric faced me with a puzzled face "yes I am... well that's my second name but yes".

"Would you like anything from the trolley dears?". "oh yes I would like.... 8 chocolate frogs, please.
Thank you" I said and after having them handing one to each one of them "ok before you open them, we are going to play a game I often play with my family, deal?" "Deal" Pansy and the rest answered. " ok so basically you are going to eat your chocolate and as soon as we are all done we are going to flip our cards to show our character, the people who get the same card have to do a dare, and if you don't you will suffer what we like to call 'the Weasley consequence' so at the count of three we will eat the chocolate and show our cards" "wait-Weasley? as in the blood traitors?" said the blonde guy. damn, "hurtful. and yes, not my fault my family isn't completely ok with the idea of marrying their relatives" I said as they all looked at each other and I ate my chocolate frog.

"three...two...one!" and with that, we all ate our chocolates and showed our cards and the final results were:
Cedric- merlin
Ophelia- Agrippa
Draco- dumbledore
Pansy- dumbledore
Blaise- Salazar Slytherin
Lorenzo- Helga Hufflepuff
Theo- Rowena Ravenclaw
Mattheo- Salazar Slytherin

"Ok so...... Draco, Pansy, Mattheo, and Blaise you guys lost so you guys will have to umm" what should they do. I mean something not so mean but also not so easy. Something that will embarrass them till death though ...oh I know. "Well while Phoenix thinks of a dare, what do you guys like to do?" Asked Cedric "well I play the piano and also the bass," said Draco "I play the electric guitar," said Mattheo "I play the drums," said Blaise "and I sing," said Pansy shyly "HA! Got it" I said aloud scaring them all a bit "sorry... but I got the dare. You lot will have to use onesies Pajamas and sing in front of the great hall in exactly 2 weeks" I said with a smirk on my face "wait onesies as in the color ones?" Asked Lorenzo while trying to hide his laughter "No" said Cedric "the ones of the animals" Cedric continued "oh yes! One of you can be a dragon, the other a panda..." I said "oh I would also love a unicorn and a koala" finished Cedric. Makings all of us (well except Pansy, Draco, Mattheo, and Blaise ) laugh.
"Hey Matth- oh hey Nix," said Tom. "Hey, Thomas" "Don't. Call. Me. That," he said giving me a death glare "or what?" I asked defying him. "I - never mind. Mattheo I just came to tell you to put your robes on because we are about to arrive" said Tom before leaving "bye Tom see you in the great hall" I said "bye Nix" said Tom before leaving the compartment.
"It was fun hanging out with you all but Tom is right you all should put on your robes, same with us Cedric. Oh! and I hope you guys enjoy Slytherin; don't pay attention to anyone who tried to tell you guys anything bad, and if someone says something tell me okay?" I asked while I stood up and looked at them "yes ma'am" they all said "oh and if any of you want to call me Phoenix or Nix that'll be better" and with that, Cedric and I left to go and change into our robes.

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