the Hufflepuff

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"EeEEWwWw" I screamed as some goey stuff fell on me. "oh god. are you ok? did you forget the password? wait you are a Gryffindor" a girl said "yeah. sorry, I am looking for the prefects. 

dumbledore sent me...technically" I said as she passed me a towel "well that's me. I'm hazel, the Hufflepuff prefect...Oh, you must be Ophelia! I was thinking that you could have either Carson Thomson or Cedric Diggory" "I was thinking about Ian or Cedric" a guy said jumping into the conversation

 "hi, I'm Mark" he said "that's the same name as a friend from beauxbaton" I said while remembering Marc. "did you go to beauxbaton?" Hazel asked "oh no, I was just on a trip with my dad and we met them. pierre, marc and Alexia. we still keep in touch but we've never studied together" I explained as they smiled

"oh- so Cedric?" Mark asked as Hazel nodded "he must be in the training grounds" Hazel said as I said goodby and left. man, I love hufflepuffs.

Cedric where are you? I said in a whisper to myself. oh nevermind. i continued as I saw him in the air trying to catch a snitch. "Accio broom".

"Oi Cedric," I said trying to reach him in the sky with my broom "oh hey Ophelia," he said, "are you ok? Oh and you can call me Ced, ".

"Oh well, in that case, Ced I need to ask you something and by the way yes I'm alright," "oh sure what is it?" He asked "wel.  McGonagall asked me if I could help her take care and protect some first years. And one of them is a hufflepuff, so I talked to your prefects and they said that you would be the best option" I said honestly.

 "Oh, and what is the name of this kid?" Asked Cedric while he turned his face to the sunset. "Daniel Scamander" I replied as he nodded .

"Oh and before I forget. Here!" I said to him while handing him the bracelet. "What is this?" Said Cedric while giving me a puzzled look

 "oh it's a communicator, it's so that whenever Daniel needs help you can contact me or whenever I need you. Look you just have to press that white orb and I'll feel it burn and it'll change color. which will make me answer" I said while showing him "and I used to have a bracelet too, but I just transfigure it into a ring," I said while showing him my ring.

 which will make me answer" I said while showing him "and I used to have a bracelet too, but I just transfigure it into a ring," I said while showing him my ring

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(This is the bracelet just so that you guys know)

(This is the ring)__________________________________"Bye Ced," I said while flying back to the ground "bye O," he said while I was flying away on my broom

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(This is the ring)
"Bye Ced," I said while flying back to the ground "bye O," he said while I was flying away on my broom.
"Wait O!" He yelled, "yes Ced, everything alright?" I asked as he scratched the back of his neck "yeah. Forget it. See you tomorrow" he said as I smiled and left.

ok so Hufflepuff?, check. now I need to do a meeting tomorrow at probably noon to have a 'game plan' as Oliver likes to say.

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