Three broomsticks

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"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! I SAID TO MEET AT 4 YOU LOT ARE STILL CHILDREN AND I WAS WORRIED" she yelled as she pinched our ears "HALF AN HOUR LATE AND NOT EVEN A NOTE OR ANYTHING" my mom continued " mom but we got everything that we needed" I said "ow yes mom look everything is here" said Fred "It doesn't matter you lot were still late, and I was worried that something had happened" said my mom with a softer tone "we know mom and we're sorry" said George. My mom sighed and said, "you know what it's okay at least you got everything".
Ha told you, idiots, I said
Yeah ... whatever George said
Yeah... whatever Fred said
"Now do you guys want something to eat? Or drink?" Asked mom "I'm fine but thank you," I said "I'll have a butterbeer," said Fred "oh yeah me too," said George. And after that, we went back home.
"Hey O ready for the plan?" "Freddie be patient remember I have to make cupcakes and that takes time," I said "yeah Freddie be patient," said George mimicking me making me slap the back of his head. "George don't forget that I can maybe slip a puking cupcake or two," I said while smirking.

"Hey O you never explained to us-" "Georgie I love you but sometimes your very slow, we are going to be making cupcakes-" "no not that," said Fred interjecting me "the fact that you used magic without a wand and used a spell that we have never heard about" "yeah why didn't you tell us? And who knows?" Said George "we are your triplets you know?" Said Fred "yes I know, and I was going to tell you guys; I just didn't know how... and nobody else knows well only Bill" "BILL?!" They both yelled "that dude isn't even here" said Fred offended "yeah and we are YOUR TRIPLETS" said George "I know it's just last summer he was playing the guitar in the forest and I was with him, and I was concentrated on the music so much that I got control of the wind. then when I saw, I got scared and with a hand, I burned a tree" I explained "oh so that's why it was burnt" said George to Fred in a 'whisper' even though it was pretty loud "wait Bill plays the guitar?" Asked Fred "no, he just wanted to impress a french girl that he had a date with" I responded "how many Weasley's are hiding secrets from us" asked George I with a 'you have got to be kidding me' look "oh yeah it was still bad not telling us" Fred said, "I know but..." I said while controlling fire with my fingers. "I can show you guys how to do this".

"Fred," said George "I know I know...we have to be strong," said Fred while I kept doing cool tricks with my wandless magic "oh I hate you sometimes," said George "but you love me," I said as I jumped on top of them for a hug "and what about that spell?" Asked Fred "yeah I've never heard about it" continued George "oh yeah... I um I kind of created it" I said almost in a whisper at the end "YOU WHAT!" "I know I have made a total of 5 new spells and 2 potions. I have them on this page" I said while reaching out for the page.
"See look," I said while pointing at the list of spells.

Vestimentum: Helps you change outfits fast

Telex: Teleports you

Secretum: It makes things invisible to anyone but you

Mutatio: It makes you a metamorpmagus for a period of time

Duplex: Duplicates anything

"What is that supposed to be?" Asked Fred referring to the paper "oh it's a muggle piece of paper, it's where they write everything" I said.

" Wait! Do you guys know what this means?" Said George "what?" Fred and I answered "our pranks are now going to a whole new level," he said while smiling as if they had just given him a box full of fireworks. "Your right Georgie," said Fred smirking. Oh, lord these idiots! "I'm going to start baking wanna help me?" I asked "of course," said George "not" continued Fred. So I did what any other sister would do I slapped the back of their necks and ran to the kitchen.

After like 4 hours and almost burning the kitchen I finished and went to bed. I mean tomorrow is Ron's big day and our day back to school.

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