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"Hey sister please wait for us," said Fred and George. "You know if you would love us you would wait for us," said Fred "oh I love you guys but that doesn't make me any slower and that doesn't make you guys any faster," I said "we're here. FINALLY," said Elizabeth jumping from excitement. We loved Hogwarts but Eli, adored it probably more than what, Fred and George love fireworks (I know And I'm not kidding) "yes. Indeed we are" said Lee "hey Lee are you going to try out for quidditch this year?" I asked "Nah O I prefer to narrate everything than to play," he said. Oh lord how much I missed this school. "Oh hey O, I heard McGonagall say that she needed to talk to you about something," said Eli looking at me making me stop right on my tracks. Did she figure out about the wand-less magic? Was it Percy's hair? Oh god not again I haven't even stepped Hogwarts and I'm already in trouble "d- did she say what it was about?" I asked a bit scared "no don't worry it's not that you're in trouble" oh haha *phew* that was a close call "I think it was about your brother" .........well fuck.
"Hey Miss Weasley please wait here," McGonagall said to me before I could enter the great hall "professor I swear to god I didn't do anything I mean I know that I changed my brother's hair to rainbow but I mean it is nothing worth a punishment and I-" "MISS WEASLEY," said McGonagall firmly making me freeze. I think that only mom and McGonagall can do that, but how not I mean they are scary "ok as I was going to say...I need to talk to you about something. I need you to take care and protect some students" "wait what?!" I can't believe it I threw myself at the water for nothing "I know what you must be thinking but I mean your grades are impeccable, you have advanced and even personal classes, you also have a lot of experience with dealing with kids, and you are also a great person and if I must say you are my favorite Gryffindor" she continued as she increased my ego and made me blush slightly "omg Minnie, you are making me blush. but why are you asking me? Why not a perfect?" "Well you see prefects have to protect children from their own houses, the children that you need to protect can be put into any house. Besides, Dumbledore himself asked for you for this job " continued McGonagall "I uh- I mean yeah but how many kids are we talking about and how am I supposed to take care of kids in other houses? Am I doing this by myself?" I asked now between scared and shocked "yes about that you will be given one to two persons from each house to help you, they will get extra credit and also a magic bracelet" "magic bracelet?" "Yes. A magic bracelet that will let you communicate with them at any time of the day in case somebody from another house needs your help. And as for how many they are 8" "EIGHT?!" I asked with a 'you can't do this to me' expression "don't worry Ophelia, I trust you and I know you can do this, and I will give you their information as soon as they are sorted" and with that McGonagall patted me on my shoulder and told me to join the others for the sorting ceremony.

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