jungkook ~ midnight cuddles

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You lie down after a long day in your favorite sweater and pajama pants. You put your hood on, and cover yourself with the grey comforter on your bed. You lie on the puffy pillows, and get on your phone. You get on a comic app for an hour until you hear your door creak open.
You peek over to see Jungkook coming in. He wore a thin black sweater, shorts, and messy hair.

"Hey," you said quietly. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just couldn't sleep, and I seen your lights on so I figured I'd come in here." he replied quietly. You smiled at him, and shuffled in the bed as he approached.

"What are you even doing this late at night?" he asked as he sat down on the bed.

"Reading." you replied, not looking at him.

"What are you reading?" he asked again

"Comics." you replied, not moving.

"C-can I read with you?" he asked sounding a small as possible.

"I dont know if you'd like it." you giggled, looking at him.

"Why?" he questioned

"Its about boys." you answered

"So?" he questioned again

"Boys, and boys, and romance?" you said trying to be as vague as possible.

"Oohhhh", he said understanding, "I dont mind." he said with a cheesy smile.

"Well alright then," you said, "shall I catch you up?" He nodded in agreement.

When you finished catching him up to the story, he asked to lie behind you so he could see what he was reading. When he got comfortable, you draped your blanket over him. Your back was towards his chest area and his hands were tucked in on his chest, behind you. You told him to tell you when he was done reading so you could scroll to the nest next panel. He told you to just read like he wasn't there. Throughout reading, you tried to check on him by seeing his reflection in your phone screen, but couldn't.

After what seemed like hours of reading, you felt his hand wrap around you. You immediately felt your face get hot. He pulled you closer, and tightened his grip. You just lied there wide eyed, not knowing what to do. You tried again to see his reflection in your phone screen, and seen that he had fallen asleep. You covered your mouth with your sweater paw, and took a picture. You smiled, and figured you'd show him tomorrow. You tried not to let your invasive thoughts in but you noticed how strong he was, and you noticed his slight snoring. You noticed how his hand slightly twitched under you, and how warm he was. You turned even more red when you thought about it. Within your 4 am thoughts of Jungkook, you fell asleep.

You opened your eyes, and looked at the clock which read 6:00 a.m. You must have changed positions because when you looked down, Jungkook was on your chest. He lie on top of you with his hands around your back. You smiled when you seen the drool coming from his mouth.

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