jin ~ cuddles

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"Are you feeling alright? This is the third time your going to bed early." Yoongi spoke up over the rest of the group. You stopped in your tracks as you headed towards the door. You turned around to see everyone looking at you.

"Yea, I've just had a long past three days." you said trying to give a convincing smile.

"You know, you should tell your boss that your shifts are too long. Maybe you can work something out with him." Yoongi said taking another bite of his food.

"I will tomorrow, thanks Yoongi." you said getting out of the situation quickly, and leaving the room. When you got to your room, you plopped onto your bed, and fell asleep.

You woke up around 3:30 due to a nightmare. You rubbed your eyes, and went quietly to the kitchen. You opened the fridge door, and grabbed the milk. Pouring yourself a cup, and a taking a cookie from the stash in the cupboard that only you knew about. You took a bite of cookie, and a swig of milk. As you were about to finish your cookie in the dark, someone turned on the lights. You squinted at the sudden brightness.

"Yaaa! Y/N! Its almost 4 in the morning!" you heard a familiar voice. You rubbed your eyes as you adjusted to the light. You seen Jin walking towards you. You shoved your cookie in your mouth, and chugged your milk before he took the cup away from you. He bent over, and put you on his shoulder. You struggled a little before giving up. He walked you to your room, and lied you down.

"Stay." he pointed at you. You didn't move. He entered the room again with the big fluffy blanket that you always see on his bed. He shut the door, and joined you. He lied down, got comfortable on one side, then patted the bed beside him.

"Come here." he said looking at you. You did as you were told, and joined him. You lied on his chest, and listened to his heartbeat.

"Yoongi's right, y'know" he said rubbing your arm.

"I know." you said nuzzling your head into his chest. You listened to his breathing, and before you knew it your eyes got heavy. You woke up again around 6. You looked up at Jin whose so soundly asleep. You shifted from your spot waking him up. He groaned looking at the clock, then turned around getting comfortable again. You lie on your back, and he lies on top of you using your chest as a pillow. You blush and freak out for a little bit, but you eventually massage his head and play with his hair, causing him to fall back to sleep.

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