namjoon ~ midnight facetime

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You weren't feeling to well one evening, and decided to skip dinner. You lied down, and drifted in and out of sleep for hours on end. You sighed, and glanced at your clock that read 2:00 a.m. in bright red numbers.

You looked under the door and seen the hallway lights on. You wrapped yourself up in your blanket and grabbed your phone. You debated on whether or not to go on social media but decided against it because you knew it was bad for your mental health. You were already in a tough spot as it is. You went to your contacts and seen Namjoons number instantly tapped on facetime.

"Hello?" he picked up.

"Hi." you said.

"What's up? Why are you up this late?" he asked with concern in his voice.

"What are you doing?" you ignored his question.

"Uhh, sitting here, reading this book someone recommended." he said showing his book as well as a little of his collar bone.

"Did you need something?" he asked.

"I was going to ask you of something that I don't usually ask." you said.

"And what's that?" he asked avoiding the camera.

"I was going to ask if you could lay with me." you said quietly.

"Just until I fall asleep." you added. He got quiet for a moment and your stomach went funny, and your ears got hot.

"If you don't want to or you feel weird about it, then its fine." you said shifting under your blankets.

"Why?" he asked out of curiosity.

"I have a hard time sleeping by myself. I'm always used to someone else being in bed with me. Its usually like a family member or a close friend." you told him.

"Umm, could you gimme a few minutes." he asked.

"Okie." you smiled into the camera, and hung up. A few minutes later, you heard a soft knock on your door.

"Come in." you said loud enough for him to hear. The door opened slowly letting light from the hall in, causing you to cover your eyes but allowing Namjoon to creep in.

"Where are you?" he panicked a little not being able to see you right away due to the loss of light.

"I see you, walk straight." you told him. He did as you told him to. Listening to his foot steps come towards your bed, a loud thud proceeded with the sound of air being suck through teeth could be heard.

"Ow!" he whispered. You snorted while trying not to laugh. You felt him crawl onto the bed slowly, trying to find a good spot to lay down.

"I only have one blanket, I hope thats alright." you told him.

"You know, without context, this looks like-"

"Yea, I know. You just have to stay till I fall asleep." you cut him off.

"Why?" he asked.

"Why what?" you asked confused.

"Why do you need someone to be in bed with you, and why did you ask me?" he asked.

"I have alot of family, and we were pretty much poor. So growing up, we had to share literally everything down to the clothes we wore. We had a small house considering the amount of people who lived there. Me and my sisters would share a room, that included a bed. Sometimes we would spend the night at friends houses, and even then we would share a bed." you explained to him.

"Oh. Then why me?" he asked again.

"Well I feel closest to you from the others,and I've sorta known you longer. I dont know what or why, but you just give me the feeling of home." you told him.

"Plus you were the first one I seen in my contacts." you added. He snorted a giggle. He shifted a little, adjusting his comfort. You knew how he slept, but didnt know what to say. After a good half an hour of overthinking, you fell asleep.

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