hoseok ~ date

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You and Hoseok sat in the outside seating at your favorite restaurant. By the time you, and him started eating, you both went quiet. You didnt mind, he was the kind of person who you found comfort in silence with. Every now and then, either of you would make a comment about something around you or the food.

"Here." he said with his mouth slightly full reaching his arm out with a finger food he had ordered.

"Hmm." you said finishing what was in your mouth. You slightly stood up to meet his hand.

"Its good." you said with a smile. He nodded in agreement while looking at you like a chipmunk with his cheeks full.

After your lunch, you both decided to go for a walk to help settle your food. He paid at the counter, and you both left. You both headed for the main street that had all the stores and businesses. Once you got there, he grabbed your hand.

"So you dont disappear on me." he said with a smile, while kissing the back of your hand. You blushed, and looked away. As you walked down the street, you seen vendors, and stores that caught your eye. It was so busy, yet there was so much to do and see. You dragged him along to the first store you seen. It had stuffed animals in the window.

"Ayyy Y/N, slow down!" he said as you dragged him along. The doors slid open, and the ice cold air hit you. You walked around with Hobi still in your hand.

"Y/N?" he asked, "Did you come in here because of the stuffed animals?"

"Pfft, no." you said, grabbing a stuffed elephant, and examining it. He chuckled as you drug him along to the next aisle that had even bigger stuffed animals.

"These are all so cute," you said, "And so expensive." putting down a big stuffed frog.

"Dont worry about the price, Ill buy it for you." he whispered in you ear. You turned around to him with big doe eyes.

"Really?!" you whispered loudly. He smiled, and nodded. You gave him a big hug, and a kiss on the cheek. He blushed a little but before pushing you into the aisle with the big ones.

"Ugghhh, I cant decide." you groaned after about five minutes of searching.

"Hows this?" you heard Hobi from the end of the aisle. He held a up a big Mang plushie. You grabbed it from him, and hugged it.

"Its perfect." you said with a big smile.

You headed to the cashier, and and waited for Hobi to pay. Right as he got done, you were already out of the door.

"Y/N!" he shouted, and ran towards you. When he caught up with you, he grabbed your hand.

"Your fast." he said walking besides you.

"Do you want to go anywhere?" you asked him.

"Me?" he asked pointing to himself.

"No, Mang." you said sarcastically, "Duh, you." He chuckled.

"Anywhere you want to go." he said looking around at all the stores, and vendors. You glanced at him, and smiled. You walked into store after store for a few more hours. You stopped at some stores that sold clothes, another that sold shoes, and another that sold alot of scented stuff like soaps and candles. You then decided you were done for the day since it was going to get dark soon.

"Okay, I think I'm done now." you said to Hobi while walking out of a beauty store.

"Well if we're done here then I have one more place to go." he said grabbing your hand.

"Where?" your asked curiously. Hobi smiled, squeezed your hand, and took off. He slipped in and out of the crowded streets, and before you knew it, you were at a beach.

"Here we are." he said enthusiastically.

"Wow!" you said. He took you to the beach just in time for the sunset. You slipped off your shoes, and walked towards the water. He followed. You stepped foot in the water, and walked around in the water. Hobi joined, splashing some water at you.

"Hoseok! That's cold!" you shouted.

"Oh is it? I'm so sorry." he splashed you again, and laughed.

"That's it." you said kicking water at him. You both laughed at continued your water war. Hobi snuck behind you, and bear hugged you.

"Ahh, no! Get off!" you struggled, out of breath, to get out of his arms.

"Nope," he said, "not until you say you love me." You stopped struggling.

"I love you." you said under your breath.

"What was that?" he said squeezing a little tighter.

"I love you." you said a little louder.

"I still didn't get that." he said chuckling.

"Jung Hoseok! I love you!" you yelled blushing furiously.

"Aww, was that so hard Y/N?" he asked right beside your ear. His gripped loosened, and you quickly flipped around kissing him. He grabbed your shoulders pushing you away. You looked at him, he was shocked. He stared at you for a moment. He slowly approached you, cupped you face, and he kissed you slowly. He pulled away, and rested his forehead to yours.

"I-I love you, Y/N. Like really love you." he said.

"I already confessed my love so..." you said making him laugh. He hugged you as you watched the sunset together.

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