taehyung ~ cuddles

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You lie cuddled up in bed with fluffy pants, and a big sweater. You've got your blanket wrapped around you like a cocoon, and your watching youtube videos. This was your ultimate comfort. Its around 3 am when you hear a knock on the door.

"Yea." you holler out as a 'come in' signal. The door creaks open and Taehyung peaks his head in, his eyes hardly open, and his hair bushy.

"Y/N-aah," he comes in, and shuts the door, "I can't sleep." He plops on the bed next to you with his face buried in a pillow.

"AAAAHHHHHH" he screamed into the pillow.

"Hmm, wait here." you said as you got out of bed, and went to the kitchen. You boiled some water, and made some chamomile tea for him. You brought it up and observed the audacity he had to lay in your spot.

"Hey." you grabbed his attention. He sat up.

"Drink this, its cooled down a bit." you handed him the cup.

"Hmmm, this smells good." he tasted it. You nodded, and went around back to your spot of the bed. By the time you sat down, the cup was empty.

"That was good, thank you." he set the cup on the night stand.

"Im glad you enjoyed it." you were a bit shocked, but not surprised at how fast he drank it. You lied back down, and got comfy again. He slipped under the blanket with you, and morphed his body with yours. You lied on your back with your head supported on a pillow on the headboard and he lied next to you. His head rest against your chest, and his arm around your waist.

"What are you watching?" he asked as you unlocked your phone.

"Just some videos in my watch later." you answered him.

"Oh. Can I watch?" he asked.

"Sure." you clicked on one that was bound to make him laugh. As you watched it, it made him cry of laughter. His laugh gave you butterflies. The next few videos were long, and a bit boring as they made him fall asleep. You double checked to see if he actually fell asleep by going to your camera, and sure enough he was. You set your phone down on the night stand, and closed your eyes.

When you opened your eyes, you opened them to his chest. You felt his hand resting on the back of your head as if he was combing your hair with his hand. You looked up to see him sleeping soundly. You smiled, and wrapped your arms around his body.

"Are you awake?" he asked is a deep, quiet, groggy tone.

"Yes." you whispered back. He pulled away from you, lifted your chin, and kissed you, slowly. You felt nothing but butterflies soar through your stomach as you were taken by surprise. He pulled away.

"I like you, Y/N." he said. You looked him in the eyes, frozen, not knowing how to respond.

"I understand if you don't feel the same way." he said, getting out of bed.

"Taehyung, wait!" you said before he touched the door handle. You jumped out of bed, and ran towards him. The impact pushed him back into the door as you wrapped your hand around the back of his neck, and kissed him. He stood there for a second before wrapping his arms around your waist. You pulled away.

"I like you too." you said blushing a little bit. He smiled, put your foreheads together, and giggled. He picked you up, and kissed you again.

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