jungkook ~ pet store

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You sat at Jungkook's table after a party he had with the boys and you and Tae were the only sober ones because you never had a taste for alcohol. You just went to keep an eye on them.

"Alright, Im heading out." Jimin said, standing up from the couch, being the last to leave.

"Will you make it home okay?" you asked him as he walked towards you.

"Yea, ill be fine." he said, giving you a hug.

"Call me if he gives you trouble, alright?" he said. You nodded.

"Though you could probably rough him up if you wanted." he giggled, "See ya." he said as he left.

Jungkook stumbled to the kitchen, and sat on a chair across from yours with a bottle in his hand.

"Your pretty." he said looking at you, "Like really pretty." You raised your eyebrows, caught off guard.

"Thanks, Im glad you think so." you said, slightly blushing.

"Ya know, Ive never had sex before?" he said, taking a glug from the bottle in his hand.

"Wow. Um okay." you didnt know what to say, "Well I guess you drunk enough not to remember this but me neither."

"Wow!" he said in a loud whisper, "Your too pretty to be a virgin though." You giggled at his response.

"Like you- you'd get all the guys." he said slurring his words slightly. "And girls!"

"Well maybe in your eyes, Kookie." you said looking down at the table.

"Who was that one guy you dated for like two months that one time?" he asked.

"Lee?" you said.

"Yeah, him. I never liked him. I was always kind of jealous that he slept with the girl I like." he said taking another glug. Your eyes widened and you nodded your head. You stood up and walked towards him.

"You like me, huh?" you said, taking the bottle from him.

"When I first saw you, I thought you were the most cutest girl alive." he said.

"Huh." you really didnt know what to say. You liked him too, but he was drunk, and you would never do that to him.

You walked to the kitchen with as much alcohol as you could find.

"I think I got it all." you said to yourself, before hearing Jungkook crack open a can. You peaked your head out around the wall, glaring at him, still sitting at the table. He looked up at you with innocent eyes, knowing full well that you took all the alcohol into the kitchen. You walked out towards him, grabbing the can.

"Here. Come one." you said taking his hand, making him stand up. He followed you to his room, dragging his feet.. He plopped face first into the pillow and very quickly fell asleep. You covered him up, but when you left, he grabbed the bottom of your shirt.

"Sleep, Kookie." you said combing your fingers through his soft hair. He let go your your shirt and fell asleep. You finished cleaning up the house like washing what dishes there were, cleaned up cups, bottles, and cans and by the time you got done, it was around 2:30 in the morning. You found a spare blanket in the closet and used that to sleep on the couch.

You woke up the next morning to the sound of Jungkook's alarm going off in his room. You got up, walked into his room, and shut his alarm off. You looked at him on the bed and noticed he looked pale. You first checked to see of he was breathing, which he was, then you felt his forehead. He wasn't burning up so you hoped that it was just a bad hangover. You walked back out, and cleaned up the area you slept in. You didnt like the sticky state that  you were currently in, so you decided to shower. The only bathroom Jungkook had was in his room, so again you snuck into his room and showered quickly.

When you got out, you decided to make breakfast. You looked in Jungkook's fridge, not much was there. He did however, have eggs. After some time cooking, you heard Jungkook's door open. He came out, rubbing his eyes, itching the back of his neck, and dragging his feet.

"Morning sunshine." you said.

"What time is it?" he said in a deep, groggy voice. It gave you chills.

"Almost twelve." you said, while making toast. He groaned, and put his head on the table.

"Here, food, eat it." you said giving him the eggs you made with some toast.

"Thank you." he sat up.

"Wheres yours?" he asked after eating half the plate.

"Dont worry about me. Im fine." you said. He squinted his eyes at you then continued to eat.

"Also I used your shower. I hope you dont mind." you said, starting the coffee pot.

"No, but speaking of shower, Im gonna go do that." he said putting his plate in the sink. You nodded, and drank your coffee. You moved to the couch to scroll through social media.

When Jungkook came out of his room, he found a mug for his coffee.

"Hey, um, did you maybe want to go with me somewhere today?" he asked rubbing the back of his neck.

"Sure, " you said, making his smile, "may I ask where?"

"Its a surprise." he said, pouring himself a cup.

~Time change~

You and Jungkook walked down the busy street on your way to you dont know where. You had a hard time keeping up with him, so you grabbed his sweater sleeve. He stopped and turned around.

"You walk fast." you said, slightly out of breath.

"Im sorry," he said, "sorry you have small legs." he smiled and laughed.

"Jeon Jungkook! How dare you!" you shouted dramatically, hitting him. He quickly pulled you into his chest and turned you around to the back of a building as someone ran quickly behind him and the police chasing after them. As they ran past, you heard Jungkook chuckle.

"Whats so funny about someone running from the police?" you asked him concerned.

"No, its just..., " he smiled like he just got handed a puppy, "you used my soap." He tucked hair behind your ear.

"We're almost there, come on." he said clearing his throat after a moment. You stood speechless, and flustered. You looked over at him, and he was already across the street. You quickly caught up with him. He took you to the new pet store that had recently opened earlier in the month.

You walked in and looked at all the animals. You were particularly loving a small black kitten with big green eyes.

"Look Jungkook." the kitten was getting comfortable in your sweater pocket. Jungkook laughed, and took a picture.

"So cute." he said scratching the kittens forehead. "We'll take this one." Jungkook told the worker.

"Jungkook no." you looked at him in shock.

"Jungkook, yes." he said as he looked at little sweaters and toys.

"Jungkook, no." you said.

"Consider it a 'Thank you' for everything you've done for me." he said putting a little pink sweater in the crook of his arm. The worker took the kitten and you ran up to Jungkook and kissed his cheek. He instantly blushed.

"Thank you, Jungkook." you said. He smiled sweetly. You both went to the front and he paid for everything.

"Also, consider this me asking you out." he said as you both walked out of the store. He caught you off guard. He seems to be good at that.

"Yes." you said, interlacing your fingers and his.

"Great, cause I had no plan B." he admitted, making you laugh.

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