jin ~ kiss

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You, Taehyung, Jin, and Hoseok were hanging out in your hotel room. Hoseok was getting ready to end his Vlive. You all said your goodbyes to ARMY, and called it a night. Hoseok said goodnight, and went back to his room. Taehyung lied on the edge of the bed looking at his wrist watch.

"Tae, what are you doing?" you asked him.

"Waiting." he said.

"For?" you asked. He sat there, still staring at his wrist.

"YOU FORGOT!!" he sat up, and shouted. You sat there looking at him clueless. Then it hit you.

"Oh my god, Tae! I'm so sorry!" you apologized profusely. He sat there staring at you in disbelief.

"Im confused." Jin said from the corner of the room in the office chair by the desk. You looked at him, and explained to him that every year you and Tae celebrate the day you decided to be best friends. An anniversary of your friendship. You wanted to explain more of why but it was too personal for you and Tae, and you both swore to secrecy.

"And she forgot." Tae said crossing his arms.

"Uhh, okay." Jin said still confused.

"Tae, Im sorry. How can I make it up to you?" you said desperately, patting his knees. He went quiet and pouted his lips in thought.

"Kiss Jin." he said. Your eyes went wide. You spoke to him without saying any words. You talked to each other in your minds.

"But-" you said being cut off.

"This is the only thing I'll accept." he said closing his eyes and looking away.

"But-" you got cut off again.

"No buts." he said. You glanced at Jin who looked so confused.

"Its either kiss Jin or pay for all of my food till I die." he said looking at you, eyes wide.

"Im so confused," Jin said "What. Is. Going. On?"

"He said that in order to make it up to him, I have to kiss you." you said shyly. Jin's eyes went wide.

"On the lips." Tae said slightly excited, pointing his finger in the air. Tae shoved you off the bed in Jin's general direction.

"If she doesn't want to, she shouldn't have to, Taehyung." Jin said, trying to be the bigger person. Tae just gave him a smile.

"Y/N, you don't-" you cut Jin off with a kiss. As you cupped his face in your hands, he reached his up to your waist. When you broke apart, you both lingered for a second before you went to the edge of the bed. Tae had his boxy smile plastered across his face like he was just given a puppy. Jin cleared his throat and let put a huff of air.

"Umm, Im gonna, uhmm, go. Yea." he said awkwardly getting up from his chair.

"Tae come see me before you go to bed." Jin said while leaving.

When you heard the door close you looked at Tae with your face red as a tomato.

"I hate you." you said.

"But you love me, I know." he said with smile.

"I hope your happy now." you said blankly.

"Very. It looked like you both enjoyed it." he said shaking his shoulders up and down like a little kid. You fell face first into the pile of pillows beside you.

"Shut up." you said muffled through the pillows. He patted your back, and giggled.

"I'm gonna go see what Jin wants. Pray for me." he said standing up.

"I hope he scolds you." you looked at him. He gave you a smile, kissed you on the forehead, said goodnight, and left.

You tried to go to bed but you just kept replaying the kiss in your head. You couldn't stop thinking about how soft his lips were or gentle he was. You couldn't stop thinking about what could have happened after. You just couldn't stop your brain. You rolled over, and looked at your clock which had in bright red numbers 3: 46 am. You sighed. You figured you would go for a little late night walk to try to bring yourself to calm down. You turned on the lamp, slipped on some socks, grabbed your phone, your key card, and headed for the door. You unlocked it and pulled it open. There stood Jin, about to knock.

"Jin?" you asked, almost whispering. "What are you doing here? This late?"

"I- uhh." he struggled to speak. He rubbed the back of his neck.

"I can't stop thinking about..." he sighed. You knew what he meant.

"Me neither." you said looking down at your feet. He lifted your chin to meet his eyes. He stepped forward, you stepped back. He walked you backwards to the wall, and shut the door, not breaking eye contact. He kissed you. Like before but with more feeling. He kissed you gently, but with desire. You didn't want to stop or slow down. He leaned down and grabbed your thighs, signaling you to jump. You jumped, and he carried you to your bed.

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