jimin ~ before a show

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Right before a concert, Jimin somehow managed to rip the inside ankle of his pants at the last possible minute. Not being able to find anyone to fix it, and being the multitalented best friend of 2 years that you are, you found a needle and thread.

"Sit down, and sit still." you directed him while pointing at the couch. He stared at you with wide eyes, obeying your order.

You got to work on his pant leg while the other members continued to get ready. As you worked, your hair kept getting in your face, and Jimin noticed. He gently grabbed your hair into somewhat of a ponytail, and got it out of the way. You went red but you tried not to think about anything else then the task at hand.

"Your ears are red, are you feeling ok?" he asked.

"Yes." you cleared your throat before answering. You felt a wave of heat go through out face, and ears.

"You like this dont you?" he asked quietly. You didnt say anything.

"Stop, please," you told him quietly "or you'll regret it." He lifted your chin with his free hand from the focus of your task and stared into your eyes.

Without breaking eye contact he asked, "Is that a promise?" you stared blankly into his eyes.

"Just kiss already, we're on in 6!" Jin yelled from across the room catching you and Jimin's attention.

You glanced at Jimin, and smiled looking back down to tie off the thread. You stood up quickly, and put the thread and needle on the nearest table.
You looked the boys up and down as they walked out the door heading to the stage making sure that no one else had anything they needed fixed. First J-Hope, then Yoongi, Tae, Jungkook, Jin, Namjoon, and lastly Jimin. When you looked Jimin up and down, double checking everything, he kissed you. It took a second to process but you kissed back.

"This is cute but Jimin, let's go." Jin said in a hurry.

He pulled away, "You dont know how long I wanted to do that." he whispered.

You smiled, "Go!" you pushed him away.

He smiled at you, and walked backwards till you were out of sight.

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