jin ~ laundry room

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You walked to the laundry room with a basket full of clothes and the intention to do laundry. While folding, you smile coming across one of Jin's big shirts.

"Thats where that went!" you jump and look behind you to see Jin walk through the door smiling.

"You scared me!" you get mad at him.

"Im sorry." he smiled, walking towards you.

"Here let me make it up to you." he slid his arms around your waist from behind and softly kissed the crook of your neck. You hummed, trying to reject the softness of his lips and the warm of his exhale.

"There, better?" he whispers by your ear.

"Mm, no. Try again." you say, smiling. He scoffs then spins you around to face him. You put your arms around his neck, while he entraps you between the him and the dryer. He leans in, and just to tease, you pull away. He leans slightly further, and you change direction, only letting him barely touch. He changes direction and leans in further. You smile, as you tease him.

He gently slides his hand up your chest and around you neck. Gripping only enough to keep you still, he kisses you. Passionately and slowly. As you physically melt under him, he slips his thumb under your chin while still holding the back of your neck. He kisses down and around your neck, exploring and testing your sensitive spots with biting and nipping.

You tugged at the hair at the nape of his neck and hummed and whimpered with pleasure as he kissed you. You tilted your head back slightly to allow him more room. At the same time, he lifted you onto the dryer and continued to slid his surprisingly cold hand up your bare back.

"Yah! You shouldn't be watching them like some creeps! Shoo!" Yoongi shouted from down the hall. You and Jin shot your heads around to see the maknaes watching and giggling from the door way.

"Ah, sorry hyung." Jimin said with a big cheesy smile, barley seeing his eyes.

"Didn't mean to interrupt." Jungkook added, with a big cheesy smile, and his nose slightly scrunched.

"Nice form." Taehyung added, with a big boxy smile and a thumbs up while jimin slid in a finger heart.

"Get out! All of you!" Jin laughed into getting mad at them. You rolled your eyes and laughed with him. They left, giggling thier way down the hall like school boys.

"Do you have any plans tonight?" Jin asked, looking up at you.

"Um, I dont think so." you answer

"Great! My room, 8:00." He stated, massaged your thigh.

"I'll be there." you say smiling and nodding.

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