namjoon ~ restaurant

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You've been working as a waitress at your parents restaurant for about 4 years. Just as long as you've been an ARMY. You woke up this morning and went to work, just like every morning. You swept, and wiped the tables, and prepared for the day. Around lunch, when it started to get busy, you notice a big group of boys walk in. They looked wealthy of course. They got a table, and sat down. You went to their table, and gave them menus.

"Hi, I'm Y/N and I'll be your server today. Here are some menus. Our special today is the Burger Bomb, and our dessert of the day is our home made vanilla ice cream." you said with a smile. The tallest looked at you and smiled. You recognized him right away. He was Kim Namjoon, and they were BTS.

"May I get a water?" he asked.

"Sure thing." you scribbled on your notepad. You started to get a little shaky.

"Umm, I get Sprite?" Hoseok asked raising his hand. You nodded and scribbled it down.

"Coffee?" Yoongi asked underneath his bucket hat.

"Sure. Ice, or hot?" you asked.

"Ice." he said.

"Okay." you scribbled it down. Jungkook got a Coke, Jimin found the alcohol section, Taehyung got a water, and Jin got wine.

"Would you like any appetizers?" you asked them.

"Um I dont think so." Namjoon looked around the table, then at you.

"Okay I will give you all some time to look at the menus while I get your drinks. Let me know if you change your minds." you said with smile, and left.

When you got behind the counter to where they couldn't see you, you had a mini panic attack. You gathered yourself, took some deep breaths, and put together their drinks. You put them all on a tray, and headed for their table.

"Okay, water, water, Sprite, Coke, and coffee." you said handing the drinks to their designated places.

"Now I will be right back with the wine and cocktail." you told them, and left. You went to the bar, and asked one of them to make the cocktail, and get the wine with a glass. You got back to the table, handed Jimin his cocktail, and poured Jin his wine.

"We're ready to order now." Namjoon said.

"Okay, we can start with you, and go around." you said pointing around in the direction of ordering.

"Okay, if you need anything else, holler or come find me." you smiled, and walked away after taking their orders. You put their orders in, and went to find your mom.

"Mom! Mom!" you loudly whispered at your mom who seated everybody.

"Huh! What?" she said turning around.

"So you know those guys I've obsessed over for the last four years?" you asked her.

"How could I not." she said sarcastically.

"They're here." you told her.

" I know. That's why I put them in your area." she said.

"Oh my god! Mom, I love you!" you hugged her tight.

"Mhhm, now go back to work." she said with a big smile. You continued doing your job when Namjoon came to see you.

"Um miss?" he called.

"Yes?" you answered.

"It been about a 45 minuets. I was wondering when the food would be done?" he asked rolling the ring on his pointer finger.

"Oh, Im sorry for the wait Namjoon. We..." you stopped talking. "That slipped out didn't it?" you looked at your feet.

"Heh, yeeaah." he said elongating the e and a.

"Im sorry," you rubbed your temple, and cleared you throat, "Sir, we serve our food fresh. We don't reheat anything, or microwave anything. I apologize for the wait. I can treat you, and your friends to our home made ice cream. On the house." you smiled. He giggled.

"Um okay. Thank you, Y/N" he said smiling, and walking away. When their food got done, you, and another waiter hauled it out. You set their food out in front of them.

"Please let me know if you need anything else. Enjoy." you smiled, and walked away. You kept an eye on them, and when it looked like they were about done, you got the ice cream, and a few cakes.

"Here you go." you spaced your words setting down the desserts.

"Oh wow." you heard Hoseok. You seen Jungkooks eyes go wide.

"Our home made vanilla ice cream, and chocolate cake. Enjoy." you said again with a smile, and left. After they finished, paid the bill, and left, you went to clean their table. As you were cleaning, you came across a note with your name on it. You opened it, and a hundred dollar bill fell out.

"Thank you, the meal, and ice cream were delicious. Beautiful service." It read, with a number on the bottom. You smiled, stuck it in your pocket, and finished your job.

Later that night, Namjoon posted on social media a selfie with him and the boys in front of the restaurant.

"Loved it here. 10/10, do recommend." The caption read. You ran and showed your parents.

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