yoongi ~ couch

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After class ended, you walked to Yoongi's studio after getting a coffee. You heard him in the room, so you know he was there; however, he stayed quiet. 

"I know you're in there." you said, leaning your ear closer to the door.

"What do you want?" you heard his muffled voice

"I have your favorite." you jiggled the cup of ice americano in your hand. After a second of silence, he opened the door and let you in. You gave him the cup and he immediately started to sip on it. 

"Is it ok if i just hangout for while?" you asked him, setting down your bag by the couch. 

"Sure, as long as you go get me another one of these later." he answered and sat back down in his chair. You smiled at him and sat down on the couch. He got back to his work and eventually forgot you were even there. You did some homework for a bit then began to read. As time passed, you fell soundly to sleep. Your book laid to the side and slight drool on the couch pillow. Yoongi eventually noticed and decided to make sure you were at least warm. He unfolded a blanket that was tucked beneath the night stand, and covered you up. He gently tucked the blanket in around you, and took the book from your hand. He sat back down in his chair, plugged in headphones and went back to work.

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