yoongi ~ hug

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"Mmm." Yoongi thought as he watched you wander the hallways of the house the 7 plus you have been staying in together. Usually, around this time, you'd be bothering him about something. Whether it be laying on him showing him a video or picture, or just laying on him in general. Sometimes you would even hug him while he was cooking. He never stopped you but he never encouraged you.

He noticed that you haven't been your normal clingy self as of the passed couple weeks. He figured that you maybe had a boyfriend or have been talking to someone, or maybe you just haven't been in a good state of mind. He would try to see if you would voluntarily hug him or any other member. He would stand closer to you, or lean on you at times. He even followed you around for a day. You just kept to yourself. You walked to the kitchen while on your phone and bumped into him in the hall.

"Oh, I'm sorry oppa." you said. He stared at you with furrowed brows. You awkwardly walked around him, putting your phone away. He followed you, quietly. When you got to the kitchen, everyone had been waiting for you and him so they could start eating.

"Y/N, grab some bowls!" Jin shouted from the dining table. You nodded, and grabbed enough bowls from the cupboard when you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist. You peaked over to see Yoongi hiding his face in your shoulder.

"Oppa, are you ok?" you whispered.

"Mmm." he hummed silently, then let go.

"Are you okay?" he asked quietly.

"Yea. Im ok, why do you ask?" you said, closing the door to the cupboard.

"You haven't been clingy, and it was starting to worry me." he said.

"Aw, oppa. You've missed my hugs?" you teased. He glared at you.

"Its ok, oppa. If you want a hug, just say so." you teased again. He gave you a look that would send shivers down deaths spin. You just gave him a warm smile, and put the bowls on the table.

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