yoongi ~ lunch

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The phone in my pocket buzzed violently. You pick it up to see yoongi is calling.

"Hello?" you answer.

" Y/N, where are you?" you heard him.

"Um the library, why?" you ask.

"I have food." He said.

"Really?!" you slightly shout.

"Yup." he said.

"Okay, let me find you." you say leaving your spot in the library, and walk down the hall in search for him.

"Where are you?" you ask.

"Honestly, I have no clue." he confesses.

"Okay what do you see?" you giggle.

"This classroom says *insert fav teachers name* " he says.

"Okay, I know where you are. Stay put." you tell him.

You round the corner to see him looking completely lost. You laugh, and hang up the phone.

"This place is bigger then I thought." he said.

"It is kind of a big school isn't it?" you say while you both walk back to the library, and sit down.

"Here this is yours." he handed you your food.

"Thank you. Ill eat it later." you say. He shot you a look.

"Im going to eat it, just not right now at this moment." you said, with a reassuring smile.

"Mmhhm." he hummed. You talked for a bit before all of the students around you left.

"I take it class started again?" he asked.

"Yea, but I can afford to be late. My next class, the teacher likes me." you tell him. He just nodded.

"Im gonna go." he said, standing up, and kissing your cheek. You sat there, dumbfounded. He's never done that before. You turn around and he's already outside. You get up, and race outside.

"Yoongi!" you catch his attention in the empty halls. He turns around. You sprint towards him when he stops walking. When you get to him, you kiss him on the lips. Butterflies flutter in your stomach. You've never done that before either. You part from him and he looks shocked.

"Okay, you can go now." you say walking away. He grabs your wrist, turning you around, bringing you to him. He slides his other hand to the side of your face, kissing you. Electricity shoots throughout your body. As he slowly parts from you, he smiles, boping his forehead to yours. You steal another from his lips and giggle.

"Now, I can go." he whispers.

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