yoongi ~ cuddles

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You lie on your bed after a long day, and turn the T.V. on to your favorite anime. After about two episodes, Yoongi comes into the room.

"Hey." he says, "What are you watching?" You tell him.

"Can I watch with you?" he askes, fixated on the T.V.

"Sure." you tell him. He sits down on the edge of the bed, and watches the T.V. After about two more episodes, he crawls back to the head board, and lays with you. You noticed that the more episodes you watched, the closer he got, and the more he got into the show, the more he started yelling at the T.V. You smiled when he did. After some time, he seemed to have found his way under the covers.

"Why are you so cold when you have all of these blankets, and pillows?" he asked concerned. You just shrugged your shoulders, hiding half your face with blankets. He sighed.

"Here, come here." he said, motioning you to come to him. You just stared at him.

"Do you want me to drag you?" he asked raising his eye brows. You shook your head no.

"Then come here." he patted the bed beside him.

You scooted over into his open arms. He pulled you close to his chest, and made sure you were comfortable. He tucked the blankets in on your side, and got comfortable himself. He laid his head on the head board, and gently pressed your head to his chest. With the arm that you laid on, he rubbed your arm like how people rubbed their hands together when its cold out. You tried not to pay to much attention to him, and focus on your show but you couldn't. You felt your face, and ears get hot. You shut your thoughts out, and followed along with your show.

At some point in time, you must have fallen asleep because when you opened your eyes, the T.V. screen asked if you were still watching. You rubbed your eyes, and felt Yoongi shift in his sleep. You forgot he was there. You didn't stop the thoughts that ran through your head. You though about his heart beat, and how steady it was. You thought about how warm he was, and about he cute he looked in his sleep. You thought about how he slightly snores, and groans in his sleep. You thoughts quickly went down hill when you thought about what this could mean. What did it mean? What would happen when he woke up? Did you want this?

Without realizing, your grip on his shirt tightened waking him up. He noticed your breathing got slightly quicker, and your grip on his shirt even tighter. He also noticed you gritted your teeth. He quickly took action, and grabbed your hand. He interlaced your fingers with his, and kissed the top of your head through your hoodie. He pulled you closer, and helped you calm down.

"Dont worry about it to much." he whispered "Its fine."

He took deep breaths, and you followed along. You calmed down almost immediately.

"See? Everything's fine." he said quietly. You giggled at him.

"Thank you." you said.

"Mmm, now go to sleep. Its 3 am." he said.

"Good night." you smiled.

"Mmm." he groaned.

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