taehyung ~ eyeliner

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You sat alone in your room. It was late, somewhere around 1-2 in the morning. Your phone buzzed and you looked to see a text from Taehyung.

"Hey, you up?" he asked

"No, I'm sleeping." you replied.

"Lie, your lights are on." he said.

"Creep." you replied and he came in.

"You were waiting there?" you looked at him. He smiled, and nodded childishly.

"Your obsessed, you know." you looked at him concerned. He looked at you like you just killed his childhood dream. You snorted, and giggled. He lied on your bed, and got on his phone while you played some lo-fi on your speaker. You grabbed your make-up bag and pulled out some eyeshadow, blush, lipstick, and eyeliner. You weren't much of a make-up person so this was all you had. You sat on your office chair in front of your desk, and pulled out a mirror. You looked up some eyeliner inspirations, and found some you liked and started to attempt one that worked for your eye shape.

"What are you doing?" Tae asked. You looked in your mirror to see him looking at you while he was still on his phone.

"Practicing my eyeliner." you replied, focused. Watching you with wide eyes, he stood up, and walked towards you. He looked at your reference, then at you.

"You should do that on me!" he got excited, and pointed to himself. You looked at him.

"Sure, why not." you shrugged your shoulders. He smiled, and continued to watch you do yours.

"Ugh!" you got up. You walked to the bathroom, and washed it off. Tae walked into the bathroom with your eyeliner in his hand.

"Okay," you dried your face off, "come here." You put down your towel, and positioned Tae to where you could see. Tae could see you were tip toeing, and struggling to reach. He giggled and grabbed your shoulders,  moving you away slightly. He closed the lid to the toilet, and sat down. Since you just stood there, he grabbed the bottom of your shirt, and pulled you towards him. He patted his leg, signaling you to sit down. You just stared at him with furrowed brows. He rolled his eyes, and wrapped his arms around your waist, and sat you down on his lap. With his big boxy smile, you couldn't help but blush a little. He put his hands on your thighs.

"Is this okay?" he asked. You continued to stare at him blankly. You shook your head getting your sinful thoughts out.

"No?" he moved his hands right away.

"No, its fine. I'm fine with it." you said reassuring him.

"Are you sure? Cause I don't wanna make you uncomfortable." he said. You got butterflies instantly. You softly nodded yes and he put his hands back on your thighs, making you gulp again. He closed his eyes, waiting for you to finish the look. You brushed the hair covering his forehead, and held it back with your hand while the other did his eyeliner. As you got closer to finishing, he moved his hands to around to your love handles.

"Ok, open." you said. He obeyed. Almost touching noses, you examined your work befor finally getting off of him. He stands up, and looks in the mirror.

"Wow!" he reaches for his phone and opens his camera.

"Take a picture." he hands you the phone. You take a picture with his eyes closed, and with his eyes open. He grabs the phone from you.

"Now with me." he says, pointing the camera to the mirror. You both pose, and take a picture. You continue to take mirror pictures, and selfies being goofy as possible. He then wraps an arm around your shoulders, and takes a picture. You both continue to have a full out photo shoot for the next hour. Going back to some pictures, and deciding which ones you liked best. Even playing with some of the filters. You then grab your phone from your desk.

You tap him, he turns around. You position your phone for a picture when he kisses your cheek right when you snap the photo. He then positions his phone for a picture, tapping his cheek. You giggle, and kiss his cheek.

"There, new wallpapers." he said, showing you his home screen. You giggle, and quickly set your new home screen, and show him.

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