Weird Dreams

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Soon everyone was asleep except for Dean. He rolled over on the couch to glance around the room. Sam was upstairs (he'd won Rock Paper Scissors for the bed) and so was Bobby. Cas was sleeping peacefully on the floor a few feet away. Dean watched Cas shift so that his wings were facing him, the blanket sliding away from them. Dean was fascinated. Every time Cas would take a particularly large breath they would twitch lightly. At some point he got up and wandered closer. He knelt down and checked to make sure he was still asleep. Slowly, he put a hand out and brushed his fingers across the feathers. Castiel took a sharp breath in like a gasp and Dean pulled his hand away quickly. When the angel didn't wake, Dean put his hand back out and stroked the wings with a bit more pressure. Cas shuddered and let out a low moan. It didn't sound like he was hurting the angel so he continued for a moment longer pressing his fingers deeper into the soft wings. Cas moaned louder and muttered a few words of Enochian between gasps. Dean committed the words to memory and backed away. The angel began to shift as if he was about to wake up and Dean scrambled back to his place on the couch. Sure enough he heard the floorboards shift as the angel sat up and rubbed his eyes. Dean pretended to sleep as he thought about the wings. I couldn't stop. Why couldn't I stop myself? He thought absently rubbing his fingers together. He shook the thoughts away and resolved to go to sleep. The next morning, Dean was looking through a book of Enochian while eating his breakfast. Castiel had said about five words last night and Dean hadn't figured it out yet. 

"What are you doing?" Sam asked, rubbing his eyes sleepily. 

"Nothing, just Cas was talking in his sleep last night. I was wondering what he said." He closed the old book carefully and focused on his breakfast. 

"Let me see." Sam said. Dean handed him the paper he'd written the words on, mouth full of bacon. Suddenly, Sam started laughing. 

"What's so funny?" He asked nervously. 

"Cas must've been having some interesting dreams when he said this." Sam handed him back the paper and began pouring himself a coffee. 

"You can read it?" Dean asked incredulously. 

"You're handwriting? Barely. Enochian? Mostly. I've been learning for weeks which I told you but we were on a case at the time so you were a bit distracted I suppose." Sam leaned against the counter and sipped his coffee. Dean looked at him expectantly. 

"It says, 'please keep pleasuring me, ankem'." Dean cleared his throat awkwardly, 

"What's that last word mean?" He asked, not sure he wanted to know the answer.

"Far as I can tell it's the closest thing in Enochian to a term of endearment, like sweetheart, or lover." Sam smirked as Dean blushed furiously. "You okay Dean?" Dean looked up at him, 

"What? Yeah, of course, just wishing I wasn't awake all night last night." Sam continued sipping his coffee and studying Dean for a moment before Cas walked in. 

"Mornin' Cas, how'd you sleep?" Sam asked cheerfully. Dean shot him a look which he promptly ignored. 

"Restlessly, if I'm being honest." Dean shifted in his seat and Sam held back a smile. 

"How come?" Sam asked innocently. Castiel stiffened slightly and Sam just looked at him. Dean seemed to be very interested in his empty breakfast place at the moment. 

"I had some...odd dreams." He said awkwardly. 

"Were they bad dreams?" Sam questioned. 

"No, not at all," he said quickly and Sam raised an eyebrow, Cas paused, "just different, I suppose." Sam nodded and looked at Dean who was rubbing a spot on the table like he was in a trance. 

"Dean." Sam prodded. 

"Yeah?" He jolted up. 

"What do you think of Cas's strange dreams?" He gave Dean an expectant look. Dean got up and put his plate in the sink. 

"You'll be fine, everybody gets weird dreams, they'll go away after a bit." He muttered half heartedly. He gave Cas a pat on the shoulder like usual but this time the angel shivered under his touch. Dean looked at Cas, really looked at him for the first time all morning and was immediately struck by the way the light from the window was hitting both his wings and his eyes. It was like he was glowing and Dean's breath caught for a moment before he pulled his hand back and stalked out of the kitchen. Sam rolled his eyes. Castiel just stood there, thinking about his dream from last night and why the thought of it scared him so much. 

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