"That's Creepy Dean"

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Castiel slammed the door to the bathroom. He was going to have to relieve himself of this tension. He rubbed himself through his sweatpants and imagined Dean's mouth on his neck as it had been only moments ago or the way he pushed his fingers into his feathers. He moaned aloud at the memory, now tattooed into his mind. "Hey Cas," Castiel jumped at the sound of Sam's voice. "I think somethings wrong with Dean, I went to wake him up and he said he needed a minute because he was dizzy."

"I'm fine Sam! See walking and talking now leave Cas alone." Castiel heard Dean's voice on the other side of the door. Then Sam, 

"Dean what if you're messed up from all the mind invasions?" 

"I'm fine, quit bothering me Mom." Dean replied. Cas listened for a moment longer, then went back to what he was doing. It usually took a while, he needed to get it over with. Dean grabbed some bacon and stalked back upstairs passing the bathroom. He paused when he heard sounds and pressed an ear to the door. More Enochian? What's he saying now? Dean heard lots of gasping like he was trying to keep from making noise. He shook his head and walked away from the door. What are you doing? Leave Cas alone, it's none of your business. 

About 20 minutes passed and Dean went to go back downstairs after getting dressed when Sam ran to the bottom of the stairs. 

"Crowley's got a lead on Pestilence we can chase down. It's a lead we can punch too." Sam smiled and Dean smiled back. 

"I'll get Cas!" He said excitedly. A moment later, Castiel emerged from the bathroom. "Hey Cas we've got a lead on Pestilence! Woah are you okay?" Dean questioned. 

"Fine Dean. I'll get dressed." Castiel said, trying to push past. 

"Hang on a second man, you're all flushed and sweaty. You catch a celestial cold or something?" Dean chuckled at his own joke but Castiel did not. He was staring like he'd just seen a ghost. 

"I'm not sick, it's none of your concern." He replied flatly, walking past Dean. On the inside, he felt confusion and helplessness. Standing in the hallway, Castiel had noticed the color of Dean's eyes. They were green, like the ones he kept seeing in his dreams. 

Sorry I know this is such a short part but it just makes more sense if I stop here!

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