The Moment You've All Been Waiting For

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Castiel splashed his face with water. He was tired, horny, and confused. He ached to tell Dean the truth but he knew that would not be what Dean wanted. Looking at himself in the mirror, he felt utterly human. He wasn't entirely sure that was good. He stretched his wings about behind him and straightened his posture. I'm an angel. I am God's will. Then there was knocking on the door. "I'm almost done Dean, we can go in a minute." 

"Cas can I come in?" He asked sounding nervous. Cas looked down at himself, fully dressed, wings outstretched, hair still wet from the shower and sighed. 

"Yes, you can come in." He turned to fold a few things from last night while Dean entered. Cas prepared for the rundown on where they were headed next, how long it would take to get there, etc. But when Castiel turned to look at Dean he wasn't talking he was just looking at him. "Is everything alright Dean?" He asked as Dean rubbed the back of his neck. 

"Honestly?" He said quietly. 

"Yes of course." 

"No. I'm really not alright." He smiled mirthlessly and faintly. "Cas, I really need tell you..." Dean stared at him, mouth slightly open, eyes searching his face. 

"Dean, whatever it is you can te-" he was interrupted by Dean kissing him. Dean is kissing me. Dean hadn't known he was going to do it. He'd just found himself at a loss for words and Cas had been standing there, just within reach and he couldn't think of how to say what he wanted to say. Now he was kissing him. That should get the message across. Dean had his arms wrapped around Cas's torso and he slid them up to touch his wings. Cas had his fingers buried in Dean's hair and when Dean touched his wings he broke the kiss for a moment to gasp from shock and ecstasy. Dean didn't miss a beat and leaned down to kiss his neck, sliding his fingers deeper into his wings. He stopped sucking on Cas's neck to kiss him again a few more times before he pulled his fingers out of his wings. They stood there for a moment, pressed up against each other breathing heavily, lips still almost touching. 

"That's what I wanted to tell you." Dean managed softly. He took a hesitant half step backward, as if to stop himself from doing anything else. Castiel just stared with wide eyes, looking more shocked than anything. Dean couldn't help but laugh lightly at his reaction. He smiled to himself and looked at the floor. "C'mon we've gotta, you know, get a move on. Sam's waiting for us." He said nervously. Cas suddenly noticed his own reaction, how it must seem and straightened himself. On a whim, he did something he'd seen in a movie once. 

"He can wait a bit longer." With this, he backed Dean into the nearest wall and kissed him more. He could feel Dean smiling into the kiss and he responded by doing something else he'd seen in a movie. He kissed him wildly and gave his bottom lip a nip before finally letting up. Castiel suddenly felt very self conscious and looked at the floor just as Dean had done. Dean ran a hand through his hair. He also felt very self conscious. He laughed to himself again, not really believing this was happening. 

"Hey Cas." 

"Yes?" The angel looked up hopefully. 

"You're a good kisser." Cas smiled, knowing it was a big compliment. "I'm gunna put the stuff in the car. Meet me out there?" Dean said, trying to be casual. Cas nodded, still beaming and Dean left the room feeling a bit light headed from that interaction. Cas bent over the sink, still breathing heavily. He looked up at himself in the mirror as he had a few minutes ago and noticed something. A light red mark on his neck where Dean had kissed him. He blushed furiously and smiled at his reflection. That really just happened.

Did that really just happen? Dean asked himself as he closed the trunk of the car. He couldn't force the smile from his face. Cas came out of the room with his bag which he promptly tossed in the back. 

"Dean?" Cas looked over quizzically. 

"Yeah Cas?" 

"Can I play my music in the car again?" He asked hopefully. Dean smiled and added,

"Only if you sing along." 

I love this part so much, hope it felt natural to you guys. 

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