Wake Up Call

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Dean had become annoyed with waking up so much. It was one of his least favorite things to do. This time he woke up in a bed, which he was thankful for. It was the middle of the night again which meant he had slept for almost the whole day. He recalled Cas sifting through his memories gently, then darkness. Dean breathed a sigh of relief. He remembered which memories Cas had seen and it was nothing about him. Sam was asleep on the floor a few feet away and he could hear Bobby grinding his teeth in the next room. He wondered where Cas was before he felt a feather brush his face. He realized it wasn't blankets wrapped around him, it was Cas's wings. He tried to turn over gently but a few times he ruffled some feathers which Cas seemed to like, even in his sleep. Now Dean could see Cas curled up in his sleep on the opposite side of the bed. He wasn't as close as he was before but it was a big bed. He slid closer, farther into the warm, softness that Cas gave off. His wings had a calming effect and he could already feel the stress drifting away. Just for a minute, he thought, he's so warm. Before he fell right back to sleep.

Castiel was having the same dream again. He saw green. So much green that he got lost in it, like it was a forest. He blinked in the dream and then the green was a pair of eyes. "Who are you?" He gasped. He looked into the dark to see more of the person's face. He saw freckles and a pair of lips coming for his. He felt something stroking his wings. He moaned loudly and then there were lips against his and that's when he woke up. He gasped as he woke up, still feeling something against his skin. He looked down to see the form of Dean curled around him, breath hitting his neck, arms wrapped around his middle. He felt something stroking the place where his wings meet his back and he realized it was Dean's hands, moving in his sleep. Castiel tried to remove himself but the more he moved, the more Dean moved, his lips hitting Castiel's skin and his hands finding more places on his wings on accident. He bit back a gasp. He finally decided to try to relax and just wait for Dean to wake up and remove himself. Castiel then noticed that Sam was missing from the spot he'd been last night. He'd seen this.

Sam was pleased. He'd woken to his brother and his best friend cuddling. After all the signs he'd seen of late, it felt obvious that they would reach this point eventually. He smiled as the bacon he made sizzled. Crowley swore up and down he had done nothing to Dean's mind. He also revealed that he had a lead on Pestilence that he and Dean would have to start chasing soon. Sam smiled at the memory of him pointing the knife in Crowley's face, 

"If you betray us, I will hunt you down and kill you." 

"Oh Samantha, love you too." He shook his head but he had believed the demon's story so he had let him go. In Sam's mind he was more concerned with his brother's happiness and well being than most anything and for the past year he had noticed something between him and Castiel. It wasn't just friendship; they seemed to look at each other for long periods of time, hug for long periods of time, and they could sit in comfortable silence longer than Sam had ever seen anyone do. It was incredibly hard for Sam to watch his brother reject his obvious feelings for the angel out of stereotypical fear. Waking up today and seeing Dean let his guard down the way he had, had given Sam a seemingly permanent smile.

Dean smelled something sugary. When he first woke up (again), he didn't open his eyes, just took a deep breath. He felt warm all over and something near him smelled like a vanilla cloud. He smiled, not really wanting to move. He listened closer and heard breathing. He could hear someone breathing right near his ear. He resolved to open his eyes and as soon as he did he saw skin. Millimeters from his face was someone's neck and he was curled against their chest which was doing a gentle rising and falling motion. He could feel his arms wrapped around the torso of this person, his fingers in something soft and fluffy. He narrowed his eyes and tried to remember where he was when the events of last night flooded into his brain. He sucked in a breath causing his whole body to tense. His fingers pushed deeper into all the feathers they were already tangled in. He saw Cas's chest hitch at the sudden movement and then he moaned aloud just above Dean's ear. His wings closed in closer and Cas pressed himself into Dean more pulling away from his fingers. Then he remembered the Enochian words he had mumbled in his sleep. I'm turning him on. He was having a sex dream, Dean thought suddenly. Dean realized he was going to have a difficult time untangling himself from Cas without waking him up. Then he had a thought. I just have to wake him up, then he'll get off and pretend this never happened. Dean reassured himself that he wasn't going to get out of this any other way. After a moment, he pushed fingers even deeper into Cas's feathers. Wow, they're soft. Castiel was very much awake. He couldn't be sure that Dean was still sleeping from the way he was positioned but when he felt him press further into his wings he moaned much louder than he meant to. He felt Dean shuffling but it felt slow, like a sleepy movement and Cas felt like he was burning up. After a moment of stillness he felt Dean shift so that his slightly open mouth was pressing lightly against his neck and his fingers moved up touching a whole new part of his wings. He felt his back arch and he bit his lip so hard it bled. Dean just moved his fingers a bit deeper and that was it for Castiel. He pushed Dean flat onto his back and started sucking on his neck. He moaned into Dean's collarbone as he felt Dean's fingers move ever so slightly. He sat up abruptly realizing gratefully Dean still hadn't woken up. He knew he shouldn't be doing this, he had to stop. He gently pulled Dean's fingers from his wings and set them by his sides and climbed off the bed as quickly as he could. But Dean was very much awake unbeknownst to Castiel. And he would never admit it, but he was more turned on just then, than he'd ever been in his entire life. He stayed still and tried to keep his breathing even until he heard the door shut. He opened his eyes but felt dizzy and hot so he closed them again. That hadn't gone as planned. 

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