There's No Place Like Home

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Dean landed on his back but it wasn't a rough landing. He lands softly in the grass, a comfortable warm feeling sweeping over him. It was now very dark out and he could see the stars and expansive sky above him. Of course the most prominent thing in his line of sight was Cas, still wrapped around him, face inches away and grinning like an idiot. Dean laughed and Cas smiled wider. 

"I'm sorry we had to fly." Cas said sincerely. 

"I don't think I'm so afraid of that anymore as long as you're there to distract me." Cas ran his fingers across Dean's cheekbone. 

"That's what I meant before when I said you melt hearts." he whispered. Dean kissed him for that, relishing the feeling. I'll never hide from my feelings again. I swear Cas. For you. For a brief moment, as he twisted his fingers into Cas's hair, if Cas could hear his thoughts.

"Yes, I can." Cas muttered into Dean's lips. Dean smiled and continued kissing him. That'll make sharing feelings less complicated. This time, he knew Cas heard him because he gave an almost imperceptible snort of laughter as soon as Dean had finished his thought.

"Where are we Cas?" Dean asked between kisses and breaths. Cas pulled away for a moment and let Dean position himself sitting.

"Well lover, I thought home would be something to see at this time of night." Dean quirked a smile at the way Cas said 'lover'.

"Home?" he questioned.

"Lawrence." Cas said softly, never looking away from him. Dean smiled and shook his head.

"Home isn't about where you were born. It's where you belong."


"Yes angel?"

"I think you're my home."

"And you're mine."

I know this is an incredibly short ending I hope you liked it anyway.

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