Siren Song

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Cas woke with a start. Laying next to him was the redhead from last night. He slid carefully out from under her and looked around the room, remembering Dean was also supposed to be there. He looked around the room but he wasn't there. He found a note on the other bed.


Got back last night but noticed you had company so I stayed out in the car. Went back to the bar this morning. Meet me there when you're done.

- D

Cas sighed. He felt bad he hadn't even thought of Dean. He started throwing on his clothes and gently shook the woman, Brianna, awake.

Dean faked a smile as he saw Cas come through the door, looking disheveled. Cas smiled back and sat next to him. "Sorry, I think I was drunk last night." Cas said, rubbing his eyes. 

"It's cool man. Happens to everyone. I think I figured out who the siren is though." Dean said happily. Cas blinked. The siren... he remembered. 

"Dean." Cas said thinking out loud. 

"Yeah?" He said. 

"You don't think the siren could be...the woman from last night right?" Dean blinked at the suggestion. 

"Why would you say that?" Cas looked at Dean and Dean looked back with his big green eyes. 

"No reason." He mumbled. "Who did you think it was?"

Dean nodded over to a blond waitress with the name tag "Molly". "Why her?" Cas asked. 

"Because she didn't show up to work the three nights the men went missing and sent a "friend" to fill in for her each night. The bartender said so." Castiel nodded. This made sense. 

"Can we test it?" Cas said questioningly. 

"Just need her to pass a mirror, like this." He held up a small pocket mirror and held it in front of him, hiding it with his drink. Molly went to serve a table that would cause her to walk by and Dean looked intently. She passed and Dean saw the same blond he saw when he looked directly at her. "Dammit." Dean cursed. "What about this woman you slept with? Know where she is?" Dean asked half hoping that he would get to stab her. Castiel nodded. 

"She said she'd be here again tonight and that if I was still here she would find me." Dean nodded. 

"We don't have a lot of women in our lives so I'm not sure who the siren would have us kill anyway. We're not very good targets but it's worth a shot." Dean shrugged and got up to leave. "We'll be back again tonight James!" He yelled to the bartender over his shoulder and Castiel scrambled after him. 

They sat around the motel room double checking the lore on sirens, checking in with Sam (who was floored to hear that Cas had slept with someone), and sharpening their bronze dagger. "You got the blood?" He asked Cas who pulled out a small vial from his jacket. "Awesome." He said before pouring it onto the knife. They lounged about until it began to get dark and then they left for the bar again. Sure enough, there was the woman from last night, in the same spot as before. Cas blushed when he saw her and Dean saw the look. He brushed past Cas, handing him the little mirror and ordered himself shots again. Cas sat down next to the woman and began talking to her and when she looked away for a moment he pointed the mirror in her direction. He hid it again and turned to Dean briefly. 

"It's not her." he whispered truthfully, passing him back the mirror. Dean made a frustrated face and muttered something about double checking. Cas just went back to talking to her. 

"James!" She called the bartender. 

"Brianna, whiskey, neat?" He asked with a smile. 

"You know it! You're getting good at this!" She smiled and Cas looked the bartender up and down for the first time. He had dark hair and blue eyes. Dean got up so that he could walk past Brianna with the mirror. He cursed when she didn't look different but jumped and almost dropped the mirror when someone behind her did appear to be the siren. He looked up quickly but no one was there. He walked off to the bathroom with a sigh. Cas watched him go with a funny feeling in his stomach. Dean leaned over the sink and rubbed his face. He looked back up to the mirror to see the siren standing behind him. He whirled to find the bartender standing in front of him. Before he could get the knife out James tilted his head up and kissed him with a surprising amount of strength. It took a moment for the venom to kick in but after a moment Dean reciprocated. The siren smirked and stepped back, admiring his work. 

"You were a tough one. What can I say? Even your mind is readable." Dean stood there blank faced. Then there was a slight breeze and the whoosh of wings. Cas didn't hesitate, just grabbed the knife out of Dean's jacket and stabbed James in the stomach. He disintegrated with a shriek and Dean shook his head like he was just waking up from a nap. 

"Dean are you alright?" 

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